Translation of the song Zar ne vidiš da pravim budalu od sebe artist Bijelo dugme


Zar ne vidiš da pravim budalu od sebe

English translation

Don't you see that I'm making a fool of myself

Vidiš da ej, pravim budalu od sebe

You see that, hey, I'm making a fool of myself

U tebi je lisica prevrtljivica

There's a sly fox in you

u tebi je vučica i golubica

There's a she-wolf and a dove in you

a mjesec je nisko

And the moon is low

jorgovan sav u cvijeću

Lilac is in full bloom

i srce mi visi k'o dugme na kaputu

And my heart is hanging by a thread, like a button on a coat

al' ne brini se za mene, preživjeću

But don't you worry about me, I'll survive.

Ne, ne, preživjeću

No, no, I'll survive

preživjeću, preživjeću

I'll survive, I'll survive

jer ja sam stari isluženi vojnik

Because I'm a veteran soldier,

i u srcu antimelanholik

And in my heart, an anti-melancholic

ali dušo kad sam

But sweetheart, when I'm

pored tebe, vidiš da hej

with you, you see that hey

Ref. 2x

Chorus 2x

Vidiš da ej, pravim budalu od sebe

You see that hey, I'm making a fool of myself

U tebi je anđeo i 300 đavola

There's an angel and 300 demons in you

u tebi je opijum i ljuta rakija

There's opium and hot Rakia (brandy) in you

a kad pijem ja se ne napijem

And when I drink, I don't get drunk

a kad ljubim ja se ne zaljubim

And when I kiss, I don't fall in love

ne brini se za mene, preživjeću

Don't you worry about me, I'll survive

Preživjeću, ja preživjeću, preživjeću

I'll survive, I will survive, I'll survive

jer ja sam stari isluženi vojnik

Because I'm a veteran soldier,

a u srcu antimelanholik

And in my heart, an anti-melancholic

ali dušo kad sam

But sweetheart, when I'm

pored tebe, vidiš da hej

with you, you see that hey



Zar ne vidiš

Don't you see...

Ref. 3x

Chorus 3x

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