Translation of the song 霊犬信乃伝 artist Nanahira



English translation

The legend of Shino the spiritual dog

通りゃんせ 通りゃんせ 鳥居をくぐれば何処かな

Tōryanse tōryanse,1 going through the torii,2 where's this place?

見知らぬ神社の御祭に 迷い宵々 一人きり

Lost at the festival of a strange shrine; on the evening, being alone

囲め 囲め 猿の面した香具師の聲

Kagome kagome,3 voice of yashi4 in monkey mask

鬼火提灯 屋台から 如何様 飴屋が手を招く

Lanterns of onibi;5 the bogus candy man beckons from the stall

「甘いのやろうか 滅多にゃ喰えんぞ

Dost thou fancy some sweet things? Thou wouldst 'ave hardly e'er eat 'em

今宵は馳走じゃ 贄たかどうだか 喰うてみよう

We'll 'ave feast tonight; whether 'tis 'offered'6 or not? Let me eat


Come 'ere......, come!

と、小僧を引き止める 狗の面したこの娘はだぁれ?

Then, who is the girl in dog mask who holds up the boy?

「坊 目え覚ませ よもつへぐいはしちゃならぬ

My lad, sober up! Don't eat the foods of the nether world7

その目に映った御祭は 化生の見せたるまやかしぞ

The festival reflected in thine eyes, 'tis deception made by the goblins

坊 早う逃げい わっちが村まで帰しちゃる

My lad, run away now! I'll return 'ee to the village

一心不乱に駆け抜くぞ 決してこの手は離すなよ」

Let's run through wholeheartedly! Ne'er let go this hands off

通りゃんせ 通りゃんせ おとうも おっかあも 何処かな

Tōryanse tōryanse, daddy and mummy; where they've gone?

はぐれたまんまで帰っても 信乃しかおいを待っちょらん

E'en if I keep strayin' from 'em and go back, nobody will wait for me, except Shino

「おとうもおっかあも むこうで見たぞ

I've seen thy daddy and mummy o'er there

おんしを待っちょうぞ わしが会わしちゃる ついて来い

They are awaitin' for 'ee; I'll let 'ee meet 'em; come wi' me


Come 'ere......, come!

と、小僧を庇うように 狗の面した娘が出張る

Then, like protecting the boy, the girl in dog mask stands out

「坊 確りせい 決して返事をしちゃならぬ

My lad, pull thyself together! Ne'er don't answer 'em

おまいのおとうもおっかあも 疾うの昔に死んだろう

Thou knowst thy daddy and mummy are already dead in the past

坊 早う逃げい 幽顕 隔てる階段を

My lad, run away now! Stairs dividing the immortals and the mortals

一心不乱に駆け下るぞ 決してこの手は離すなよ」

Let's run down 'em wholeheartedly! Ne'er let go this hands off

「誰が招いた狗畜生 胙盗られて狒々が啼く

Who invited that bitch!? Stolen their offering, the hihi8 cry

そこのけ物の怪追っつくぞ ここは庭場じゃ逃がしゃせん あそうれ

Gangway! Mononoke!9 Catch 'em up! This is our territory; we willn't let you go; 'ere goes!


Come 'ere, come......!

と、匕首抜刀し 狗の面した娘が翻す

Then, pulling out her aikuchi,10 the girl in dog mask swings it around

「坊 ここまでじゃ これより先は一人で行け

My lad, up to here! Go alone beyond this

後ろに迫ったばけもんは わっちがここで食い止めよう

Monsters approaching behind us, I'll hold 'em back

坊 早う逃げい 何が聞こえても振り向くな

My lad, run away now! Don't look back no matter what thou hearest

一心不乱に生き抜くぞ この手を離してひた走れ」

Let's survive wholeheartedly! Go this hands off to rush away

通りゃんせ 通りゃんせ 鳥居をくぐればおいが村

Tōryanse tōryanse, going through the torii, here's the village o' ours

神隠しの沙汰は止み 狗子信乃は何処かな

Spiriting away cases have ceased; where's Shino the puppy dog?

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