Translation of the song 〇〇ちゃん artist Aimyon
私のこれまでの恋は この強がりな性格が邪魔をして
All my past relationships till now Have been obstructed by my facade of a strong personality
自分も傷つきさよならする そしてまたハズレを引く
I wanted to say goodbye to being hurt But I return to square one and let myself down again and again
お酒は大好きで悪酔いも少々 好きでもない男と寝たこともある
Sometimes getting sick from the alcohol that I love so much And occasionally sleeping with men I don't love
早くに覚えすぎたタバコも 何度もやめようとは思ってる もてないし
I've learnt how to smoke at a young age and thought of quitting so many times I know it's not popular
Now that I've become an adult, I really want to know what true love is
私のどこがダメですか? 可愛くなる努力は医者に頼っちゃったけど
Which part of me is no good? I've tried so hard to become cute that I've relied on the help of the doctor
将来の夢はお嫁さん 誰か叶えてね
Becoming a bride is all I wish for the future Will anyone make that come true?
妄想で出来あがる彼氏は きっとこの世にいたら気持ち悪いだろう
The boyfriend of my fantasies must be pretty gross if he really existed in this world
理想の高さは人一倍 夢見がちなのはわかってる
My expectations are so much higher than others I know that I'm a dreamer
口癖はいいことないかな 幸せのレベルはもう下げた
I keep saying There won't be any good things And I've lowered my level of happiness as well
今なら育ちすぎたこの胸で 誰かに愛を植え付けれるのに
In this overgrown chest of mine right now Will anyone be able to fill it with love?
こんな私もおとなになって いろんなことを覚えたわ
Now that I've become an adult, I've learnt a lot things
私のどこがダメですか? 料理だって人並みにできるのに
Which part of me is no good? Even though I can cook like any average person
将来はきっといい女 誰かもらってね
I'll definitely be a good woman in the future Will anyone take me in?
私のどこがいけないか そんなの自分が一番に知ってる
Which part of me is useless? That's what I want to know the most
得意なことも趣味もない おまけに勉強もできないけど
I have nothing that I'm good at, and no hobbies too But I don't think I can do any extra studying for that
私は立派な女なの 愛し愛されることを夢見るの
I'm a fine girl, aren't I? But I can only dream about loving or being loved
私のどこがダメですか? 可愛くなる努力は医者に頼っちゃったけど
Which part of me is no good? I've tried so hard to become cute that I've relied on the help of the doctor
将来の夢はお嫁さん 誰か叶えてね
Becoming a bride is all I wish for the future Will anyone make that come true?
Will anyone pick me up?