Translation of the song Callar (Parte 2) [Speechless (Part 2)] (Latin Spanish) artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]


Callar (Parte 2) [Speechless (Part 2)] (Latin Spanish)

English translation

To Be Silent

Siglos de reglas de absurda verdad

Centuries of rules of absurd truth

Qué se han escrito en piedra.

That have been written in stone.

Quédate inmóvil y no hables jamas,

Stay still and don't ever speak,

Adiós a esta leyenda.

Goodbye to this legend.

Y yo no quiero derrumbarme.

And I don't want myself destroyed.

Los llamo a intentar a callarme y vencerme ya.

I call them to try to silence me and defeat me now.

Silencio nunca

Never silent

Desean que enmudezca

They wish that I am mute

No tiemblo con la idea

I don't tremble at the idea

Y callar no será mí vida, vida.

And my life, life, won't be silent.

Los recibo firme como roca,

I receive them firm like rock,

No han de cerrar mí boca

They shouldn't shut my mouth

Y callar no será mí vida.

And my life won't be silent.

Creen que me van a enjaular,

They believe that they are going to cage me

No lograran mí rendición.

They won't defeat my rendition.

Alas rotas pero entera en llamas vuelo hacia el sol.

Broken wings that are entirely on fire I fly towards the sun.

Sus acciones mi voz no amedrentan.

Their actions won''t scare off my voice.

Si quieren creer que tiemblo con la idea

If they want to believe that I tremble at the idea

El callar no será mí vida, vida.

The silence won't be my life, life.

No acepto que traten de sofocarme, dejen de subestimarme !

I don't accept that they try to suffocate me, stop underestimating me!

El callar no será mí vida.

The silence won't be my life.

El callar no será mí vida, vida !

The silence won't be my life, life!

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