Translation of the song Dunia baru [A Whole New World] artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]
Dunia baru [A Whole New World]
The Brand New World
'Kan kubawa dunia, kemilau berkelipan
I will bring you the world with its sparkling sparkles
Wahai puteri, pernahkah kaudengar kata hati?
Dear princess, have you ever listened to the words of your heart?
Bukalah matamu
Open your eyes widely
Teroka bersamaku ke segala penjuru, atas tikar saktiku
Come, discover with me to every corner on my magic mat
Dunia baru
A brand new world
Melukis hasrat di kalbu
Drawing desires on the heart
Tiada yang menghalang dan menentang
No one can stop or against us
Keindahan yang nyata
A real beauty
Puteri Jasmine
Dunia baru
The brand new world
Terasing, tiada kutahu
As I was in seclusion, I know nothing about it
Di awangan tinggi, jelas sekali yang kini kita di dunia baru
In this ethereal space, it is clear that we are now in the brand new world
Kini kita di dunia baru
Now we are in the brand new world
Puteri Jasmine (Aladdin)
Jasmine (Aladdin)
Tiada terucapkan
I am speechless
Tak dapat kugambarkan (Gambarkan)
I cannot picture this (Picture this)
Menjulang ke persada, mencapai bintang-bintang
Soaring high to the place where we can enjoy together while reaching out for the stars
Dunia baru (Tataplah semua)
The brand new world (Have a look at everything)
Seribu satu misteri (Nikmat detik yang indah)
A thousand and one mysteries (Enjoy this lovely moment)
Kucapai kejora, cakerawala
I reach out for the Morning Star and celestial universe
Enggan kuputar masa kembali (Dunia baru)
I am reluctant to turn the time back (The brand new world)
Tak dapat kuhurai (Membelah ufuk nan syahdu)
It cannot be explained by me (Crossing this exalted horizon)
Tiap saat bermakna
Every second is full of meanings
Walau ke mana jua, aku rela bersamamu di dunia baru
Wherever we head to, I am willing to be together with you in the brand new world
Dunia baru (Dunia baru)
A brand new world (The brand new world)
'Kau di sisi ('Kau di sisi)
You are with me (You are with me)
Melayari, mengharungi bersamamu
Sailing and facing together with you