Translation of the song Malam Arabia [Arabian Nights] artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]
Malam Arabia [Arabian Nights]
The Arabian Nights
Oh bayangkan benua nun jauh di sana
Oh, try to imagine a faraway land out there
Tempat kabilah berkunjung
The place where all the tribes meet each other
Diusik aneka budaya dan bangsa
As it is teased with varieties of cultures and nations
Riuh-rendah cari untung
While they are being noisy when looking for profits
Timur bawa angin, cahaya suria Barat
From the East, the wind is brought while the sunlight emerges from the West
Hembus pasir dalam kelam
And the sand is being blown in the gloom
Ayuhlah melayang naik tikar terbang
Let us go and soar high while riding a flying mat
Ke dunia seribu satu malam
To the world of one thousand and one nights
Lihatlah layanan para peniaga
Have a look at the service of the traders
Hidu haruman pelaga
Have a sniff on the scent of cardamon
Segala rempah rasa yang tiada tara
Every spice has its incomparable taste
Serta selendang sutera
And also the silk scarves
Oh dengar irama alunan gelora
Oh, listen to the surging melodic rhythm
Yang memukau mempesona
That hypnotises and charms all
Asyiknya tarian, lenyap di khayalan
The dance kills the time causing to be gone in the fantasy
Di dunia seribu satu malam
In the world of one thousand and one nights
Malam Arabia yang sering mengukir
Arabian nights that always carves
Rasa yang nikmat
A pleasurable feeling
Bahangnya dahsyat
Its scorching heat is horrendous
Tiada terusir
It cannot be driven away
Malam Arabia merindukan mimpi
The Arabian nights that are longing for dreams
Dunia rahsia
A secret world
Ia istimewa
It is special
Terus menguji
As it continues to test all
Laluan yang ditemu kaulah penentu
You are the one who decides it once the route is found
Tuah bergantungkan hajatmu
The luck depends on your wish
Mencari harta kala gelap melanda
Search for the treasures when the darkness emerges
Untuk menentukan nasibmu
To decide what is your next destiny
(Hanya seorang yang layak masuk)
(Only a person deserves to enter)
(Sifatnya elok tidak ternilai)
(His or her characteristic must be worthy)
(Bak berlian tidak bercanai)
(Just like a diamond in the rough)
Malam Arabia yang sering mengukir
The Arabian nights that always carves
Yang membezakan raja dan rakyat
They differentiate a king and a commoner
Kaya dan fakir
And also the rich one and the poor one
Malam Arabia disirami embun
The Arabian nights that are showered with the dews
Jika kau leka, pasti tersungkur
If you lost yourself in it, of course, you will stumble
Ke hujung gurun
To the end of the desert