Translation of the song Malam di Arab [Arabian Nights] artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]
Malam di Arab [Arabian Nights]
Nights in Arabia
Bayangkanlah negeri nun jauh di sana
Try to imagine a faraway country there
Tempat unta berkeliaran
Where the camels roam
Di mana budaya juga bahasanya
Where the culture and the languages
Walaupun kacau, tapi hei, itulah rumah
Although they are in chaos but hey, that is home
Angin dari timur, mentari di barat
The wind is from the east while the sun is at the west
Datang di saat yang tepat
We come at the right moment
Turunlah, mampirlah, naik karpet terbang
Come here, drop by for a while to ascend on the magical carpet
Menuju dongeng malam di Arab
And heading towards the tales of nights in Arabia
Menyusuri jalan-jalan sebuah pasar
Exploring the streets in a market
Penuh dengan rempah-rempah
It is full of spices
Cium aromanya
Have a sniff on the scent
Saat kau menawar dari sutra dan syal satin
At the moment when you try to haggle over them whether from silk to the satin scarves
Musik dimainkan di saat kau lewat
The music is played when you pass through
Dalam kabut kebahagiaan
In the fog of happiness
Kau terus menari dan hilang kembali
You are continuing to dance and you will be disappeared again
Dalam dongeng malam di Arab
In the tales of nights in Arabia
Malam di Arab seperti siangnya
The nights in Arabia are just like the days
Selalu panas. lebih dari panas
They are always warm, actually more than warm
Dalam hal yang baik
In a good way
Malam di Arab bagai dalam mimpi
Nights in Arabia are just like in the dreams
Tanah yang mistis. pasir ajaib
A mystical land and magical sand
Dan banyak lagi
And there are more
Banyak jalan menuju hal baik dan buruk
There are many ways that lead to good and bad things
Tergantung permintaanmu
They depend on your wishes
Ungkap kegelapan temukan hartanya
Discover in the darkness so that you can find the treasure
Takdirmu ada di tanganmu
Your destiny is in your hands
Hanya satu yang bisa masuk
Only one person that can enter
Satu yang paling layak
The one that is the most worthy
Berlian yang tak terasah
Just like an uncut diamond
Malam di Arab seperti siangnya
The nights in Arabia are just like the days
Penuh semangat, naik dan turun
They are ecstatic from up and down
Oh, mengejutkan
Oh, how surprising
Carilah berlian yang tak terasah
Try to find an uncut diamond
Malam di Arab di bawah rembulan
Nights in Arabia are under the full moon
Yang bodoh lengah bisa terjatuh
The one that is idiot and slow can fall
Di bukit pasir
Onto the sandhills