Translation of the song No callaré (Parte 2) [Speechless (Part 2)] (Castillian Spanish) artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]
No callaré (Parte 2) [Speechless (Part 2)] (Castillian Spanish)
I Won't Be Silent (Part 2)
La ley escrita
The written law
En la piedra está
Is in the stone
Con reglas que el tiempo no cambia
With the rules that time hasn't changed
Solo podrás
You can just
Ver, oír y callar
To see, to listen, and to be silent
Pero esa historia se acaba
But that story is finished
Y sé
And I know
Que si ahora me derrumbo
That if now I crumble
Lo que intentarán
What they intend
Es dejarme sin libertad
Is to leave me without liberty
Voy a gritarles
I'm going to scream at them
Quieren que me calle
They want me silent
Buscando que yo falle
Searching that I fail
Y eso no, porque no callaré
And I won't, because I won't be silent
No podréis destruirme
You all can't destroy me
El miedo no me apoca
The fear won't shrink me
No ahogaréis mi boca
You won't drown my voice
Eso no, porque no callaré
That won't happen because I won't be silent
Aquí me intentan retener
Here they want to keep me
Y no me voy a acobardar
And I'm not going to be intimidated
El dolor me va a dar alas nuevas
The pain is going to give me new wings
Voy a remontar
I'm going to overcome
Hasta el eco dice que...
Until the echo says that...
Ya no me calle
Now I won't be silent
Ya solo contáis mi tiempo hasta que falle
Just count my time until I fail
Y eso no, porque no callaré
And that won't happen because I won't be silent
No podréis acallarme
You won't be able to silence up
Cuando intentéis asfixiarme
When you try to asphyxiate me
No debéis subestimarme
You all shouldn't underestimate me
Eso no, porque no callaré
And it won't happen, because I won't be silent
Eso no, porque no callaré
And it won't happen, because I won't be silent
I will scream