Translation of the song Princ Ali [Prince Ali] (Croatian) artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]
Princ Ali [Prince Ali] (Croatian)
Prince Ali
(Stiže princ Ali!
(Prince Ali is coming!
Da, to je princ Ali!)
Yes, it is prince Ali!)
Hej, čistite sada taj pazar
Hey, clear up now that market
Hej, ti, prolaz daj - stiže blještav car
Hey, you, make way - a shining tsar is coming
I sad njega će htjet upoznat uvijek svak'
And now, everyone will always want to meet him
Mjesta! Evo ga! Zvoni! Bubanj daj!
Space! Here he is! Ring! Give drums!
Ovaj je momak vrag!
This young man is dangerous!*
Princ Ali - vole ga svi! Ali-a-babwa
Prince Ali - everybody loves him! Ali-a-babwa
Probaj bar sad pristojan bit
At least try to be proper now
Klanjaj se ti...
Bow down
Ne gubi glavu zbog tog
Don't loose your head over it
Salaam ti uvježbaj svoj
Rehearse your salaam
Fantastično društvo sada upoznaj ti
Meet a fantastic company now
Princ Ali moćan je tip, Ali-a-babwa
Prince Ali is a mighty guy, Ali-a-babwa
Jak ko' bik, zna svaki trik
Strong as a bull, knows every trick
Vjerujte mi!
Believe me!
Zle horde sredi za čas
In a moment takes care of evil hordes
Sto sablji branit će vas
A hundred sabers will be protecting you
Tko pruži slabima spas?
Who brings salvation to the weak?
Pa princ Ali!
Why, prince Ali!
Dečki, dajte (Uvijek deve on nosi vam zlatne)
Boys, come on (he always brings you golden camels)
Sada cure, što (Stiže pauna pedeset tri)
Now gals, what [do you say] (Peacock are arriving, fifty-three)
Koja god zvijer na pamet vam padne
Whichever beast comes to your mind
O, pusti, pomozite (Ima svega, vjerujte)
Oh, don't question it, help me (he has everything, believe me)
Pravi vrt je to zoološki
It's a real zoo
Princ Ali zgodan i fin, Ali-a-babwa
Prince Ali, handsome and nice, Ali-a-babwa
Kakav lik - bježi mi krik
What a dude - a cry escapes me
Vrti mi se! Pravi bombon!
I'm getting dizzy! He's a real candy!
Daj pred njim se prošetaj
Come on, stroll on in front of him
I poravnaj veo taj
And straighten that veil
Za njim se vrišti, to znaj
There's screaming after him, know that
O, princ Ali!
Oh, prince Ali!
(Ima majmuna bijelih on čopor)
(He's got a pack of white monkeys)
Majmuna ima, puno ih ima
He's got monkeys, there's lots of them
(Gledaj besplatno sada u njih
(Look at them now for free
Domaćin je, on dijeli sve
He's a host, he shares everything
Ima sluge i sto pomagača
He's got servants and a hundred helpers
Ponosni smo
We're proud
Napravi sve uvijek za pet
Always makes everything enough for five [people]
Ali svaki put nisu svi poslušni)
But every time not all are obedient)
Princ Ali! Princ Aaaaaali!
Prince Ali! Prince Ali!
Čekamo na vas, morate nam dati znak
We're waiting for you, you need to give us a sign
Ma, ne bojte se
No, do not fear
Princ Ali, ljubavni pir, Ali-a-babwa
Prince Ali, a love banquet, Ali-a-babwa
Jel princeza ta mrak - što je s tim?
Is that princess cool - what's up with that?
Jer čemu inače sve?
'Cause what's all of this for anyway?
Pa svratio je zbog nje
Well, he came by for her
(Sa dvjesto slonova, nojeva sto
(With two hundred elephants, a hundred ostriches
Tristo gudača za muzički broj
Three hundred string players for a musical number
Tristo kuhara, tristo pekara
Three hundred cooks, three hundred bakers
Stigo' je, naš princ Ali!
He's arrived, our prince Ali!