Translation of the song Prins Ali [Prince Ali] artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]
Prins Ali [Prince Ali]
Prince Ali
Gør plads for Prins Ali!
Make room for Prince Ali!
Ban vej for Prins Ali!
Clear the way for Prince Ali!
Plads, giv os plads
Space, give us space
og gør vejen klar
and make the road clear
hej, du! Flyt dig nu for en superstar
Hey you! Now move for a superstar
åh, stil dig et sted hvor du ser hans stråleglans
Oh, place yourself where you see his radiance
Lad trommerne gå, en fyrste som få
Let the drums go, a prince like few
kan opleves her til lands
can be experienced in this country
Prins Ali
Prince Ali
er et geni
is a genius
Ali Ababwa
Ali Ababwa
Vis ham respekt
Show him respect
Buk nu korrekt
Do bow correctly
Læg dig på knæ
Get on your knees
Din hilsen bør være varm
Your greeting should be warm
Et underdanigt salaam
A submissive salaam
Mens du beundrer hans følge af folk og fæ
While you admire his followers of man and beast
Prins Ali
Prince Ali
mægtig og rig
mighty and rich
Ali Ababwa
Ali Ababwa
med garanti
with guarantee
styrke som ni
strength as nine
han slog den fjendtlige hær
he beat the hostile army
tænk kun ved hjælp af sit sværd
imagine, only by the help of his sword
hvem gav dem bank hver især?
who beat each of them up?
Jo, Prins Ali
Well, Prince Ali
Venner, han har femoghalvfjerds guldkamaler
Friends, he has seventy-five gold camels
(Aha, nå, de damer, hva’ så mer’?)
(Aha, well, ladies, what else?)
og af påfugle har han halvtreds
and of peacocks he has fifty
Han har dyr helt besat med juveler (kom så venner hjælp mig her)
He has animals completely studded with jewels (come on friends help me here)
hans samling er kendt
his collection is known
helt eminent
absolutely eminent
er der fest så er han i sit es
is there a party then he is in his element
Prins Ali
Prince Ali
Sikke et parti
What a match
Ali Ababwa
Ali Ababwa
Den fysik
That physic
skaber panik
creates panic
sikke en kemi
what a chemistry
(og så mega sej)
(and so mega cool)
Kom med til byens basar
Come with to the city bazaar
ret sløret an og gør klar
set your veils straight and make ready
og se så et eksemplar
and then see a prime example
se Prins Ali
see Prince Ali
han har femoghalvfjerds hvide aber (han holder aber, vis os de aber!)
he has seventy-five white monkeys (he keeps monkeys, show us those monkeys!)
og entréen er fuldstændig fri
and the entrance is completely free
han har slaver der bukker og skraber
he has slaves who bow and scrape
de elsker ham højt
they love him much
lystrer hans fløjt
obey his whistle
de er loyale til hysteri
They are loyal unto hysteria
mod Ali
to Ali
Prins Ali
Prince Ali
Prins Ali (vi venter på dem! Vi synger først når de siger til! Kom nu bare! Sådan der!)
Prince Ali (we are waiting for them! We don't sing until they say the word! Come on! That's it!)
Prins Ali fuld af magi
Prince Ali full of magic
Ali Ababwa
Ali Ababwa
Jeres prinsesse er en steg, siger de
Your princess is a babe, they say
og det er derfor at jeg
And that's why I
tog prinsen med denne vej
took the prince with me this way
med elefanterne
with the elephants
lamaerne i flok
the llamas in flock
leoparder, bjørne
leopards, bears
og livvagter nok
and bodyguards enough
med horn der støjer, og papegøjer
with horns that noise, and parrots
og festmusik i det fri
and party music in the open air
gør plads for prins Ali
make room for Prince Ali