Translation of the song Selangkah [One Jump Ahead] artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]
Selangkah [One Jump Ahead]
A Step Ahead
Ku harus
I have to be
Selangkah di depan barisan
A step ahead from the front of a line
Lari, pedang menghayun
Run, the swords are swinging
Curi hanya yang ku tak mampu
I only steal things that I cannot afford
Semualah tu!
Everything of it
Selangkah, elakkan ditahan
A step ahead, avoid yourself from being detained
Ku tak cari musuh
I am not looking for any enemies
Mereka tak faham keadaan
They do not understand the situation
Nahas! Cuba lagi, sayang
You better watch out! Try again, darling
Kepung dia
Surround him
Di belakang
From behind
Aku terhimpit kerna tersepit
I have to do this because the situation forces me to do so
Siapa nak tolong aku?
Who is going to help me?
Kesian Aladdin, nasib badan
Have pity on Aladdin, what a poor being
Sentiasa dalam buruan
He is always being hunted down
Tak habis-habis susahkan orang
Always be such a nuisance to everyone
Nak makan nasi, terpaksa curi
I want to eat rice but I have to steal it
Nanti jumpa lagi mak cik yang garang
See you soon, dear fierce woman
Selangkah sebelum dihempuk
A step ahead before being smacked
Nasibku tak menentu
My fate is unpredictable
Baik kuguna nama palsu
It is better for me to have a fake name
Selangkah hindari pemburu
A step ahead to avoid the hunters
Jangan kena perangkap
Do not let yourself to be trapped
Mari jalan berpusing satu blok
Come, we walk around a whole block
Lembutkanlah hati
Oh my, please soften the heart
Kurasa dah jatuh hati
I think I have fallen in love
Nak makan nasi, terpaksa curi
I want to eat rice but I am forced to steal
Takkan nak makan arang
How could I be eating charcoal?
Selangkah, baru dapat tepis
A step ahead so that we can avoid it
Lompat, jangan berdebat
Jump, no time for an argument!
Helah mengelak bencana
Tricks to avoid yourself from any disasters
Mereka di belakang kita!
They are at behind us
Come on
Apa tunggu lagi
What are you waiting for
Cepat angkat kaki
Quickly, run
Lompat ataupun terbang!
Jump or even fly!