Translation of the song Speechless (Part 2) (Croatian) artist Aladdin (OST) [2019]


Speechless (Part 2) (Croatian)

English translation

Speechless (Part 2) (Croatian)

Sav život svoj ja sam slušala vas

I've been listening to you for all of my life

Riječi što lancima sliče

The words that are resembling chains

Bolje pokaži svoj stas nego glas

They say: Better show your looks than a voice

Al sad je dosta te priče

But now that story is over

Jer ja, ja raspasti se ne smijem

Because I, I shouldn't fall apart

I pokušajte silom stezat i vezat me

And just try to tie me up by the force

Ne, neću šutjet !

No, I won't be silent!

Ovaj put ću uspjet

This time I will make it

I vama se oduprijet

And I will stand up against you

Dobro znam, od sad bit ću glasna (glasna) !

I know it well, from now on I will be loud (loud)!

Kroz oluje moj bijes nek se čuje

May my anger be heard through the storms

Sa novo doba tu je

A new age is here now

Jedno znam, od sad bit ću glasna

I know one thing, from now on I will be loud

Lance sve ću baciti

I will throw away all chains

Jer ne mislim odustati

Because I'm not planning to surrender

Ova krila slomljena će nebom vatrom parati

These broken wings will cut across the sky with the fire

Neka odjekne moj krik !

May my scream echo!

Neću šutjet!

I won't be silent!

Svi mislite da zbog straha neću uspjet

You're all thinking that I'm scared and that I won't make it

Samo znam, od sad bit ću glasna (glasna) !

I only know that from now on I will be loud (loud)!

Krad vrat mi vi stegnete znat ću disat !

When you try to suffocate me, I will know how to breathe!

Nemojte se sa mnom igrat,

Don't play with me

Znajte da od sad bit ću glasna

Know that from now on I will be loud

Pazite, od sad bit ću glasna

Keep in mind, from now on I will be loud

Glasna !


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