Translation of the song Cuéntale al hambre artist Antonio José


Cuéntale al hambre

English translation

Tell hunger

No me gusta lo que veo,

I don't like what I see,

Se me tiñe de impotencia,

It's dyed with impotence,

Cada lágrima que cae al otro

Every tear of mine that falls to the other

Lado de las rejas...

Side of the bars ...

Y por mucho que lo intento

And as much as I try

No veo la diferencia...

I don't see the difference...

Sí me fijo en el color

If I look at the color

Roja es la sangre en las venas...

Red is the blood in the veins ...

Cuéntale tú qu

Tell him1that

é no merece un lugar,

He doesn't deserve a place,

Cuéntale al hambre...

Tell hunger...

Que la esperanza es sólo un juego de azar,

That hope is just a game of chance,

Que esa puerta no se abre...

That that door doesn't open...

Cuéntale tú qué el miedo te hace cobarde

Tell him that fear makes you a coward

Robale el sueño...

Steal him his dream2...

Bajo la lluvia todos somos igual... de pequeños

In the rain we're all just... as small34

Son las fronteras de tiza,

It's the chalk borders,

Que se inventó don dinero...

That mister money invented...

Las que dicen lo que vale,

The ones that say what it's worth,

Y fabrican extranjeros...

And foreigners build...

Arañando el horizonte solo puedo distinguir,

Scratching the horizon I can only distinguish,

Gente que camina a ciegas

People walking blindly

Construyendo un porvenir,

Building a future,

Que dicen que tiene dueñooo...

That they say it has an owner ...

Y está muy lejos de aquí...

And it's far away from here ...

Y cuéntale tú que no merece un lugar

Tell him that he doesn't deserve a place,

Cuéntale al hambree...

Tell hunger...

Que la esperanza sólo es un juego de azar,

That hope is just a game of chance,

Que esa puerta no se abre...

That that door doesn't open...

Cuéntale tú que el miedo te hace cobarde,

Tell him that fear makes you a coward

Robale el sueño...

Steal him his dream...

Bajo la lluvia todos somos igual... de pequeños.

In the rain we're all just... as small

Arañando el horizonte y sólo puedo distinguir,

Scratching the horizon I can only distinguish,

Gente que camina a ciegas

People walking blindly

Construyendo un porvenir,

Building a future,

Que dicen que tiene dueño..

That they say it has an owner ...

Y está muy lejos de aquí ..

And it's far away from here...

Cuéntale tú qué no merece un lugar,

Tell him that he doesn't deserve a place,

Cuéntale al hambre ...

Tell hunger...

Que la esperanza sólo es un juego de azar,

That hope is just a game of chance,

Que esa puerta no se abre...

That that door doesn't open...

Cuéntale tú qué el miedo te hace cobarde,

Tell him that fear makes you a coward

Robale el sueño...

Steal him his dream...

Bajo la lluvia todos somos igual...

In the rain we're all just...

De pequeños.

As small

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