Translation of the song Deja a ese idiota artist Antonio José
Deja a ese idiota
Leave That Idiot
Cada noche llamas y me hablas de él,
Every night you call me and talk to me about him,
es una situación que ni yo mismo entiendo, eh.
it's a situation that I don't even understand, eh.
Cada noche vuelves y lloras por él, no...
Every night you return and cry for him, no...
sabiendo que a su corazón le da lo mismo.
knowing that to his heart, it doesn't matter
Recuérdalo, no le importó cada beso
Remember, he didn't care about every kiss
en su boca que diste, él ya los reemplazó,
that you gave to his mouth, he already replaced them,
mientras yo muero, de vez en cuando
While I die, once in a while
dejando que tú sola equivoques, yo te espero aquí.
Leaving you to make your own mistakes, I wait for you here.
Puede que sea un mal consejo, no me importa,
It might be a bad advice, I don't care
deja a ese idiota, déjalo ya.
leave that idiot, leave him already
No te has dado cuenta cómo se comporta,
You haven't realized how he behaves,
deja a ese idiota, déjalo ya.
leave that idiot, leave him already
Ya me cansé de que sólo me trates de amigo
I'm tired of you treating me only as a friend
pero quédate conmigo, queda, quédate conmigo,
but stay with me, stay, stay with me,
deja a ese idiota que juega contigo.
leave that idiot who plays with you.
Conmigo siempre vas primero,
With me you always some first,
tú nunca fuiste una opción, yo te escogí a ti.
you were never an option, I chose you
Hace mil años yo te quiero,
I've loved you for a thousand years
soy el amigo que siempre quiere llegar a ti.
I'm the friend that always wants to get to you
Me llamabas cada mañana, siempre que peleabas con él,
You called me every morning, whenever you fought with him
te asomabas por la ventana para hacerte entender.
you leaned out the window to make you understand
Recuérdalo, no le importó cada beso
Remember, he didn't care about every kiss
en su boca que diste, él ya los reemplazó,
that you gave to his mouth, he already replaced them,
mientras yo muero, de vez en cuando
While I die, once in a while
dejando que tú sola equivoques, yo te espero aquí.
Leaving you to make your own mistakes, I wait for you here.
Puede que sea un mal consejo, no me importa,
It might be a bad advice, I don't care
deja a ese idiota, déjalo ya.
leave that idiot, leave him already
No te has dado cuenta cómo se comporta,
You haven't realized how he behaves,
deja a ese idiota, déjalo ya.
leave that idiot, leave him already
Ya me cansé de que sólo me trates de amigo
I'm tired of you treating me only as a friend
pero quédate conmigo, queda, quédate conmigo,
but stay with me, stay, stay with me,
deja a ese idiota que juega contigo.
leave that idiot who plays with you.