Translation of the song Tu boca artist Antonio José


Tu boca

English translation

Your mouth

Que si tu boca y mi boca se entregan en la batalla

That if your mouth and mine are delivered in battle

Prometo nunca rendirme si dejas que no me vaya

I promise never to give up if you don´t let me go

Que si tus manos se vuelven la celda de un prisionero

That if your hands become a prisoner's cell

Pues cuando lleguen por mí al entregarme seré el primero

Well, when they come for me I'll be the first to surrender

Solo con un beso me salvaste la vida

Only with one kiss you saved my life

Y hoy existe amor donde antes hubo una herida

And today there is love where there was a wound

Y con ese beso me obligaste a quedarme

And with that kiss you forced me to stay

Solo en tu boca

Only in your mouth

Es donde encuentro sentido y razones a esta vida loca

It's where I find meaning and reasons for this crazy life

Porque el amor solo sabe buscarme cuando tú me tocas

Because love only knows how to find me when you touch me

Y demostrar que contigo el destino ya no se equivoca

And to show that fate is no longer wrong with you

No se equivoca, solo en tu boca

There's no mistake, only in your mouth

Y si mi boca captura tu boca estando indefensa

And if my mouth captures your mouth while being helpless

Negociaré con tus ojos el precio y la recompensa

I will negotiate with your eyes the price and reward

En esta historia tú tienes las armas para ganarme

In this story you have the weapons to defeat me

Y son tus labios la excusa perfecta para entregarme

And your lips are the perfect excuse to give up

Solo con un beso me salvaste la vida

Only with one kiss you saved my life

Y hoy existe amor donde antes hubo una herida

And today there is love where there was a wound

Y con ese beso me obligaste a quedarme

And with that kiss you forced me to stay

Solo en tu boca

Only in your mouth

Es donde encuentro sentido y razones a esta vida loca

It's where I find meaning and reasons for this crazy life

Porque el amor solo sabe buscarme cuando tú me tocas

Because love only knows how to find me when you touch me

Y demostrar que contigo el destino ya no se equivoca

And to show that fate is no longer wrong with you

Solo en tu boca

Only in your mouth

Y si esa guerra me pide la vida yo a ti te la entrego

And if that war asks for my life, I'll give it to you

Será una guerra con balas de amor y caricias de fuego

It will be a war with love bullets and caresses of fire

Demostraré que contigo el destino ya no se equivoca

I will show that fate with you is no longer wrong

No se equivoca, solo en tu boca

There's no mistake, only in your mouth

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