Translation of the song America artist Falco

German (Austrian/Bavarian)


English translation




Die G'schicht is a jene, des waß a jeder, weu des liegt doch auf der Hand

The story is like that, everyone knows that, because it's obvious

Es war mit Bock und Roll-Musik net immer leicht in diesem Land

It wasn't always easy with bagpipe and roll music in this country

Was in mir sitzt ist weiß gespritzt, des is ma völlig kloar,

What I like is white spritzer*, that's crystal clear to me

obgleich ich Whisky zech'n tua seitdem in USA ich woar.

Even though I get hammered on whisky since I was in the USA

Dort sagen's Falco you are wonderful, kumm habt's mi langsam gern

There they say Falco you are wonderful, come on, start liking me

Wenns meine Records trotzdem kaufen tätads, tät' des mi net stör'n

If you would buy my records regardless, I wouldn't mind

Das Typische an mir, i bin untypisch, ganz und goar

The typical about me is, I am untypical, not at all

Amoi hoch und amoi tiaf, amoi g'spritzt, dann wieder kloar

Sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes sptirzed then clear again

Ihr werd's mi nehmen müssen, wia i bin, i sag's euch lieba glei

You will have to take it from me, how I am, I better tell you now

Zeigts ma den nächsten schlanken Fuaß, dann bin vielleicht live dabei

Show me the next lean leg, then maybe I'll be there live

America, wenns ihr ma glaubads, wia ma euch vermissen kann

America, if you would believe me, how you can be missed

America, wenns ihr ma glaubads, wia ma euch vermissen kann

America, if you would believe me, how you can be missed

Spiel auf Reagan, come on - lalala

Play on Reagan, come on - lalala

Der 'Spiegel' sagte: Wien is vurn, wenns der net waß', wer dann

The Spiegel** said: Vienna is ahead, if they don't know it, who will

Wenn der Mr. Smith a Glotz'n hat, verkauf' ma eam an Kamm

If Mr. Smith is bald, we will sell him a comb

Der Herr war dick, das Madl slick, sodenn er lallend fragt:

The gentleman was fat, the girl slick, then he asked babbling:

What's your name?, I nehm' zwatausend, keisch des Dirndl sagt

What's your name?, I want two thousand innocently said the girl

Ihr werds uns nehman müssen, wia ma san, mia sag'ns euch lieba glei

You will have to take it from us, how we are, we better tell you now

Zeigts uns den nächsten Präsidenten und mia san live dabei - oder a net

Show us the next president and we'll be there live - or maybe not

America, ...

America, ...

I would like to have that wonderful Wiener Schnitzel

I would like to have that wonderful Wiener Schnitzel

Geh gib eam zehn Deka Polnische in a Wachauer

Go give him ten dekagram Polish (sausages) in a Wachauer***

Yeah, that's really great

Yeah, that's really great

Waß' i eh, des mocht Hundert. Nana, Schilling, net Dollar - übertreiben woll'n ma's net

I know already, that's a hundred. Nono, schillings not dollars, let's not exaggerate

America ... La la la - la la - la la

America ... La la la - la la - la la

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