Translation of the song Junge Roemer artist Falco

English, German, Italian

Junge Roemer

English translation

Young Romans

Junge Römer, junge

Young romans, boy

Der Lorbeerkranz, ein neuer Tanz

The laurel wreath, a new dance

schwingt Rhythmus in die Hüften der Stadt

Swings rhythm into the hips of the town

Man sieht und kennt und sagt sich

They see and know and say

was diese Nacht zu sagen hat

What this night has to say

Fragt nicht nach neuen alten Werten

Don't ask for new old values

Seht weißes Licht, seht nur Gefühl

See white light, see only feeling

Die Nacht gehört uns bis zum Morgen

The night is ours till morning

Wir spielen jedes Spiel

We play every game

Laß diese Reise niemals enden

Don't ever let this journey end

Das Tun kommt aus dem Sein allein

The Doing comes only from the being

Allein aus Dimensionen, die

Only from dimensions, that

Illusionen und Sensationen lohnen

Are worth illusions and sensations

Give me more ...

Give me more

Junge Römer - tanzen anders als die andern

Young romans - dance differently from the others

Sie lieben ihre Schwestern lieber, lieber als den Rest der Welt

They love their sisters more, more than the rest of the world

Frag' junge Römer - kennt ihr die Sonne noch,

Ask young romans - do you still know the sun,

sie kennt die Sorgen

It still knows the worries

Junge Römer - die Nacht ist jung wie ihr,

Young romans - the night is young like you,

vergeßt das Morgen

Forget tomorrow

Un ballo nuovo porta ritmo nei fianchi della cittá

A new dance brings rhythm at the sides of the city

Ci vediamo, troviamo, cerchiamo che cosa si fa

We'll see each other, we'll find, we'll seek what to do

Ma non cercate dei valori, e magari sensazioni

But do not look to make values die​​, and even sensation

La notte é nostra fine al mattino, abbiamo le illusioni

The night is ours till the morning, we have illusion

Non è la fine del viaggio, c'é sempre un domani ed

is not the end of the trip, there is always a tomorrow and

Ci sono dimensioni, con illusioni e sensazioni

There are dimensions, with illusions and sensations

Give me more ...

Give me more ...

Young romans - there is a night before each day

Young romans - there is a night before each day

and that price is still to pay

and that price is still to pay

Never stop this old erosion phantastic voyage

Never stop this old erosion phantastic voyage

Junge Römer...

Young romans...

Junge Römer - kennt ihr die Sonne noch,

Young romans - do you still know the sun,

die Nacht ist jung wie ihr und doch

The night is young like you and yet

im Land wo jeder Traum gelandet ist - man vergißt

In the land where every dream has landed - you forget

Young romans - there is a night before each day

Young romans - there is a night before each day

and that price is still to pay

And that price is still to pay

Never stop this old erosion fantastic voyage

Never stop this old erosion fantastic voyage.

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