Translation of the song Haydar Haydar artist Neşet Ertaş
Haydar Haydar
Haydar Haydar
Ben melamet hırkasını kendim giydim eğnime
I put the coat of reproach on my shoulders myself
Ar namus şişesini taşa çaldım kime ne
I stoned the bottle of shame and honor, that's none of their business
Aah Haydar Haydar taşa çaldım kime ne.
Haydar Haydar, I stoned it, that's none of their business
Kah çıkarım gökyüzüne, seyrederim alemi
Sometimes I ascend to the skies and watch the world
Kah inerim yeryüzüne, seyreder alem beni
Sometimes I descend to the ground and world watches me
Aah Haydar Haydar seyreder alem beni.
Haydar Haydar, world watches me
Sofular haram demişler, bu aşkın badesine
The puritan called the wine of this love forbidden
Ben doldurur, ben içerim, günah benim kime ne
I fill the glass, I drink it. The sin is mine, that's none of their business
Aah Haydar Haydar günah benim kime ne
Haydar Haydar, the sin is mine, that's none of their business
Nesimi’ye sorduklarda o yar ilen hoşmusun
It is asked to Nesimi, Are you getting along with your lover?
Hoş olayım olmayayım, o yar benim kime ne
Doesn't matter if we get along or not, she's my lover, that's none of their business
Aah Haydar Haydar o yar benim kime ne.
Haydar Haydar, she's my lover, that's none of their business