Translation of the song Čuvaj se, čuvaj artist Sinan Sakić


Čuvaj se, čuvaj

English translation


Sanjao sam crnu pticu

I have dreamt to be a little bird

kako leti iznad našeg krova

who lies above our roof

neko tvoju pjesmu peva

Someone sing to you a song

i u pjesmi neka ljubav nova

and in this song someone loves again



Čuvaj se, čuvaj

Keep it ; keep it

jer je sreća kao san

because fortune is like a dream

nestaje, blijedi

disappear pale

dok rukom dlan o dlan

while with the hand is like a palm

Prema tvojoj crnoj kosi

According to your black hair

svud padaju pahulje od svile

everywhere fall flakes or silk

ti istinu. dušo, ne znaš

you don’t know the truth of soul

sve su one nekad suze bile

all has once been a tear

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