Translation of the song Da se opet rodim artist Sinan Sakić


Da se opet rodim

English translation

If I was born again

Da se opet rodim živeo bih isto,

If I was born again I'd live the same way

spreman i na sreću, ali i na tugu

ready for happiness, but also for sadness

Ne bih promenio ništa

I wouldn't change anything

jer ti ne bi bila ista,

because you wouldn't be the same

a ja neću, neću ljubav drugu

and I don't want, I don't want another one

Da se opet rodim unapred bih znao

If I was born again I'd know in advance

s kim se družim, koga svojoj kući vodim

with whom she's friends with, whom she takes home

Ne bih promenio ništa

I wouldn't change anything

jer ti ne bi bila ista,

because you wouldn't be the same

ja te takvu hoću opet da se rodim

I want you this way if I was born again

Prvi korak svoj poklonio bih tebi,

My first step I'd give to you

da te nema sveta ugledao ne bih

if there wasn't you I wouldn't see the light of day

Prve reči, prve pesme,

The first words, the first songs

ja bih tebi otpevao

I would sing to you

Da se opet rodim život bih ti dao

If I was born again I'd give you my life

Da se opet rodim bilo bi mi jasno

If I was born again it would be clear to me

kojim putem treba srce da mi krene,

in which direction my heart should go

ne bih lutao po svetu,

I wouldn't wander through the world

radio na svoju štetu

I wouldn't destroy myself

jer bih znao da si rođena za mene

because I would know that you were born for me

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