Translation of the song Janicar artist Sinan Sakić



English translation


Harao je i palio

He ravaged and burnt

vitkom sabljom seko

With a thin sword he cut

carstvom cara Sulejmana

The Suleiman’s Empire

dugo na daleko

Far and wide

Jednog dana došao je

One day he came

u borbama vođen

With a battalion

da zapali i poruši

To burn and destroy

mesto gde je rođen

The place he was born

Ref. 2x

Chorus x2

Kob sudbine i njen danak

Fate and its duty

dade mu na dar

Gave him the gift

celi život da proživi

Of spending his whole life

kao janičar

As a Janissary

Na zgarištu puste kuće

Upon the ruins of an abandoned house

plakala je žena stara

An old woman was crying

on poteze svoju sablju

He drew his sword

sablju janičara

The sword of a Janissary*

Zar zasija iz očiju

A fire sparked from the eyes

duši što sad gine

Of a soul that was about to die

taman htede poseči je

Just as he was about to cut her,

ona reče sine

She said son

Ref. 2x

Chorus x2

Nemoj sine ne greši se

Don’t do it son, don’t sin

ako svoga znadeš

If you know your own kind

majka sam ti poznajem ti

I am your mother, I recognise

nad usnama mladež

The birthmark above your lip

Sjaha konja mlad janičar

The young Janissaries dismounted the horse

i sablju ispusti

And put his sword down

majka htede nešto reći

The mother wanted to say something

ali ne izusti

But she didn’t utter the words

Ref. 2x

Chorus x2

Kao janičar

As a Janissary



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