Translation of the song Opet bih do dna artist Sinan Sakić


Opet bih do dna

English translation

I'd go again to the bottom

Bog da me ter'o da pijem,

If god forced me to drink

ne bih toliko trovao sebe.

I wouldn't poison myself that much.

Ništa ja nemam da krijem,

I have nothing to hide

pio sam, srećo, pio zbog tebe.

I drank, my dear, I drank because of you.

I kuda ja sada da krenem,

And where should I go now,

za bilo gde snage nemam.

I don't have the strength for anywhere.

Mnogo mi oteža tuga,

The sadness bedeviled much,

što je u stari kofer spremam.

that one I'm preparing in the old suitcase.



I opet bih do dna

And I'd go again to the bottom

i opet bih do dna.

And I'd go again to the bottom

Gde si ti, tu idem ja..

There where you are, there will I go.

Jer još si tu na dnu,

Because you're still on the bottom,

tu u srcu mom,

there in my heart,

kao svoj na svom.

like a fish in the water.

I opet bih do dna

And I'd go again to the bottom

i opet bih do dna.

And I'd go again to the bottom

Gde si ti, tu idem ja..

There where you are, there will I go.

I opet ću do dna,

And I'll go again to the bottom,

terati po svom

doing as I want,

i umreti za tobom.

and die because of you.

Bog da me ter'o da pijem,

If god forced me to drink

ne bih toliko, ne bih toliko..

I wouldn't that much, I wouldn't that much..

Istinu srce da krije,

My heart hides the truth,

to ne zna niko, to ne zna niko.

nobody knows that, nobody knows that.

Godine ozbiljno prete,

The years threaten seriously,

hoće u propast da me odvede,

they want to lead me to the abyss,

ovaj život bez tebe..

this life without you..

Koga da krivim, koga da krivim?!

Whom should I blame, whom should I blame?

Ref. 2x

Chorus 2x

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