Translation of the song Pala je opklada artist Sinan Sakić


Pala je opklada

English translation

A bet was made

Lose stojim ovih dana

I'm out of luck these days

jedan prema sto

I'm one against a hundred

kazu male sanse imam

They say there's a small chance

s tobom ponovo

Of me being with you again

A to kazu oni koji

But they who say it, are those who

uvek znaju sve

Always know everything

oni sto se tudjoj sreci

Those who never admire

nikad ne dive

Other people's happiness

Pa se prica, nasla drugog

So to hurt me they say

da me povredi

She's found someone else

a na kraju bice jasno

It will all be obvious at the end

kad se sretnu pogledi

When our glances meet

Ref. 2x


Pala je opklada

A bet was made

svi se klade protiv mene

Everyone is betting against me

opklada, da si kao druge zene

A bet, that you're like other woman

nek se zna, ona samo mene voli

Let it be known, she only loves me

kladim se u zivot, goli

I'm betting on my bare existence

Ne ide mi bas od ruke

I'm not succeeding

ovih dana sve

These days

pojavi se sumnja

I'm starting to doubt

da l' me volis ili ne

If you love me or not

A onda mi uspomene dodju

But then my memories

kao spas

Bring me salvation

jer niko se nije vise

Because no one

voleo od nas

Has loved more than we did

Pa se prica nasla drugog

So to hurt me they say

da me povredi

She's found someone else

a na kraju bice jasno

It will all be obvious at the end

kad se sretnu pogledi

When our glances meet

Ref. 2x


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