Translation of the song Pokloni poljubac artist Sinan Sakić


Pokloni poljubac

English translation

Give A Kiss As A Gift

Nocas zbog tebe placem

Tonight I'm crying because of you

sutra cu poci daleko

tomorrow I will go far away

vise se vratiti necu

I will not come back again

zbogom sam ti duso reko

I've said goodbye dear



Pokloni poljubac prijatelju starom

Give a kiss as a gift to an old friend

i bez suza oprosti se sa mnom

and without tears say goodbye

ljubav nasa nije procvetala

our love has never bloomed

tebi je majka srecu izabrala

your mother has chosen happiness for you

Mislicu uvek na tebe

I will always think about you

na dane ljubavi nase

about the days of our love

ispijmo zadnju kap srece

let's drink up the last drop of our happiness

i sutra vec prazne case

and tomorrow already empty glasses

Tvoja se svadba sprema

Your wedding is being prepared

na veselju biti necu

I won't be at the party

tebe cu traziti po svetu

I'll be looking for you around the world

trazicu izgubljenu srecu

looking for the lost happiness

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