Translation of the song To je kazna, to je bol artist Sinan Sakić
To je kazna, to je bol
That is punishment, that is pain
Evo prođe tužna jesen
A sad Autum passes by
a ja nisam više tvoj
and I'm not yours anymore
to je kazna, to je bol
That is punishment, that is pain
to je kazna, to je bol
that is punishment, that is pain
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
Drugi te ljubi
Another one kisses you
volim te ja
but I love you
reci da nije istina
tell me it's not true
Još mirišu ljubičice
Violets* are still smelling nice
gde je bio jastuk tvoj
where your pillow used to be
to je kazna, to je bol
That is punishment, that is pain
to je kazna, to je bol
that is punishment, that is pain
Više ne znam šta je sreća
I don't Know what is happiness anymore
odkad nisam više tvoj
ever since I'm not yours
to je kazna, to je bol
That is punishment, that is pain
to je kazna, to je bol
That is punishment, that is pain