Translation of the song Dos Corazones artist Die Ärzte
Dos Corazones
Two Hearts
Siempre quisistes ser otro más
You always wanted to be someone else
Ahora tu sueño es realidad
Now your dream is reality
Sales a escena, eres immortal
You go on stage, you're immortal
Ahora te sientes seguro de ti
Now you feel sure of yourself.
Inventastes tu proprio amor
You invented your own love
Tu cariño verdadero
Your true love
Amor que ellos no te dierón
Love that they didn't give you
Amor solo tuyo (x4)
Love only yours (X4)
Amor solo tu y yo
Love only you and I.
Hablas con alguien, el esta aquí
You speak with someone, he is here
Alguien sincero, solo para ti
Someone sincere, only for you
Pero tu sabes que el quiere más
But you know that he wants more
Y no comprendes la realidad
And you don't understand the reality.
Inventastes tu proprio amor
You invented your own love
Tu cariño verdadero
Your true love
Amor que ellos no te dierón
Love that they didn't give you
Amor solo tuyo (x4)
Love only yours (X4)
Amor solo tu y yo
Love only you and I.
Tu le dices que no lo haga
You tell him not to do it
El se rie con tu voz
He laughs with your voice
Tu gritas, agonizas y
You cry out, you agonize and
Te arrastras por el suelo
You humble yourself.
Nadie sabe lo que paso
No one knows what happened
Habra otras manos, otro amor
There will be other hands, another love
Sales a escena, eres immortal
You go on stage, you are immortal.
Inventastes tu proprio amor
You invented your own love
Tu cariño verdadero
Your true love
Amor que ellos no te dierón
Love that they didn't give you
Amor solo tuyo (x8)
Love only yours (X8)
Amor solo tu y yo
Love only you and I.