Translation of the song No More artist Dreamcatcher
No More
No More
Barking madly
吠えたてる stray dogs
In a small world , Stray dogs
Always in packs ,
臆病ね losers
You cowardly losers
As long as I maintain my identity
I'll never run or hide
No more, no more
No more, no more
歪んだ感情 ミュ-トして silent night
Mute that twisted emotion , silent night
No way, no way
No way, no way
私の邪魔しないで no more
Don't get in my way , no more
Who said that?
Who said that
根據ない rumor (Nah, nah, nah)
Baseless rumor (Nah, nah, nah)
I don't care
I don't care ,
そのcomment of ruder (Nah, nah, nah)
That comment of ruder (Nah, nah, nah)
相容れない vision
Incompatible vision
あなたも fiction?
Are you fiction too?
Who care?
Who care?
That comment is karma
不用意なswipen (Nah, nah, nah)
Thoughtless swipen (Nah, nah, nah)
Oh, swipen (Nah, nah, nah)
Oh, swipen (Nah, nah, nah)
I don't be afraid
I don't be afraid
It don't matter to me
Just shutting down on too much info
The depression of snarling
飼い慣らしてcan't hide (Can't hide)
It's tamed , can't hide (Can't hide)
No more, no more
No more, no more
ともした夢 貫いて stick to my guns
Committed to my ignited dream , stick to my guns
No way, no way
No way, no way
誰にも 奪わせない go away
No one will take it from me , go away
さまよって 傷ついた身體でも
Even if i'm wandering and hurt
こじ開ける future (Oh)
I will break open the future (Oh)
No more, no more
No more, no more
歪んだ感情 ミュ-トして silent night
Mute that twisted emotion , silent night
No way, no way
No way, no way
絶對に 負けられないの over the pain (Over the pain)
I will never lose , over the pain (Over the pain)
No way, no way
No way, no way
私の邪魔しないで no more
Don't get in my way , no more