Translation of the song Balada Mexico Kida artist Waldemar Matuška
Balada Mexico Kida
Mexico Kid ballad
V Lincolnu loňskýho roku
Last year in Lincoln
Jim Stapleton farao hrál,
Jim Stapleton played pharaoh
že přitom se kapánek serval,
and becuase he was a bit touchy,
tak šerif mu náramky dal.
the sheriff gave him handcuffs.
Do Santa Fé když ho vezl,
To Santa Fe when he drove him,
Jim řekl, ať tak nebo tak,
Jim said: Either way,
já natuty vezmu ti roha
I'll run away from you
a budu zas volnej jak pták.
and I will be as free as a bird again.
Ten večer jsme v Johnyho baru,
That night at Johnny's Bar
srkali černý kafe,
while sipping black coffee,
a říkali jsme si, jak asi,
we wondered how much fun
baví se Jim v Santa Fe.
Jim is having in Santa Fe.
Najednou náramná rána,
Suddenly a big shot
rozbila lucernu a
broke the lantern and
v tu ránu v celičkým báru
right away in the whole bar
nastala egyptská tma.
there was pitch black darkness.
Na prahu postava stála
The figure stood at the doorway
a že se hned ochladil vzduch,
and because the air was freezing immediately,
to bylo každýmu jasný,
it was clear to us all
že je to nějakej duch.
that this is a ghost.
A v Santa Fé zrovna v ten moment,
And in Santa Fe right at that moment,
říkám jen co o tom vím,
I just say what i know about it
zrovna když oknem bral roha
just as he was espaping through the window
to nakoupil nebohej Jim.
poor Jim was shot at the spot.