Translation of the song Como el ritmo del tambor [Steady As the Beating Drum] (European Spanish) artist Pocahontas (OST)
Como el ritmo del tambor [Steady As the Beating Drum] (European Spanish)
Like The Rhythm of The Drum (Castilian) [Steady As The Beating Drum]
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega (x2)
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega (x2)
Como el ritmo del tambor
Like the rhythm of the drum
Y el latir del corazón
And the beating of the heart
Tras el cambio de estación
After the season has changed
El maíz madura al sol
The corn matures in the sun.
Junto al río que nos vé
Together by the river we're seen
Donde vive el esturión
Where the sturgeon lives
Siembra para recojer
Sow so you may pick
Lo que nuestra tierra dió
What our land has given us.
Madre Tierra, ayúdanos
Mother Earth, help us
A seguir la tradición
To follow the tradition
Respetar la creación
To respect all creation
Y vivir según tu voz
And live according to what you say.1
Tras la noche sale el sol
As night ends the sun rises
Como el ritmo del tambor
Like the rhythm of the drum
Flor, semilla, fruto y flor
Flower, seed, fruit and flower
Como el ritmo del tambor
Like the rhythm of the drum.
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Hega hega ya-hi-ye-hega
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega
Ya-hi-ye-ne-he hega