Translation of the song Det Kongelig' Virginia Company [The Virginia Company] artist Pocahontas (OST)


Det Kongelig' Virginia Company [The Virginia Company]

English translation

The Royal Virginia Company

Vi stævner over havet

We head across the sea

Må lykken stå os bi!

May fortune stand by us!

Vi sejler for det kongelig' Virginia Company

We're sailing for the Royal Virginia Company

I den fagre nye verden

In the brave new world

Er der guld så man bli'r rig

There is gold so you get rich

Det si'r de i det kongelig' Virginia Company

That's what they say in the Royal Virginia Company

Si'r de i det kongelig' Virginia Company

They say in the Royal Virginia Company

Vi sejler for det kongelig' Virginia Company

We're sailing for the Royal Virginia Company



(Hejs kanonen ombord!)

(Hoist the cannon on board!)



Hey se, er det Smith?

Hey look, is that Smith?



Ja DET er det, den gamle søulk!

Yes IT IS, that old sea dog!



Kaptajn John Smith. Jeg har hørt utrolige historier om ham.

Captain John Smith. I've heard incredible stories about him.



Ska' du ogs' med på den her tur?

Are you going on this trip too?



Ja selvfølgelig din klaptorsk! Man slås da ikke med indianere uden John Smith.

Yes of course you blockhead! You don't fight Indians without John Smith.

[John Smith:]

[John Smith:]

Det er sandt. Den fornøjelse skal I ikke ha' for jer selv.

That's true. You won't keep that pleasure to yourselves.



Hver tomme af Virginia

In every inch of Virginia

Er der ædelstene i

There are gemstones

I floderne er læssevis

In the rivers are wagonloads

Af guld med garanti

Of gold with guarantee

Jeg ta'r selv den første guldklump

I'll take the first gold nugget myself

Ja, måske de første ti

Yes, maybe the first ten

Og resten får det kongelig' Virginia Company

And the rest will the Royal Virginia Company have

Ja, resten får det kongelig' Virginia Company!

Yes, the rest will the Royal Virginia Company have!

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