Translation of the song Warna angin [Colors of the Wind] artist Pocahontas (OST)


Warna angin [Colors of the Wind]

English translation

Colours of the Wind

Pikirmu aku barbar yang bodoh

You think I am a dense barbarian

Kau pergi ke banyak tempat, 'ku rasa begitu

You have been to many places, I think so

Yang 'ku tak mengerti, jika akulah barbar

But the thing that I do not understand is if I am a barbarian

Mengapa banyak hal tak kau tahu

Why are there many things that you do not know?

Tak tahu

You do not know

Pikirmu kau memiliki semua tempat?

Do you think that you own every place?

Bumi hanyalah yang kau miliki

Only the Earth that you own

Ku tahu setiap batu, pohon dan makhluk

I know every stone, tree and creature

Yang hidup dan punya roh dan nama

That lives and has its own soul and name

Pikirmu yang beradab adalah

Do you think that the civilised ones are...

Yang terlihat seperti dirimu?

... the ones that look like yourself?

Ikutlah jejak kaki orang asing

Do follow the footsteps of the stranger

Kau belajar hal yang belum kau tahu

You shall learn things that you do not know

Dengarkan tangis serigala di bulan biru

Please listen to cries of wolves in the blue moon

Tanya kucing kenapa menyeringai

Ask the cats why they are grinning

Dapatkah bernyanyi dengan pergunungan

Can you sing with the range of mountains

Dan melukis semua warna angin?

And draw with all the colours of the wind?

Dan melukis semua warna angin

And draw with all the colours of the wind?

Menyusuri jalan cemara di hutan

Following the trails of the pines in the forest

Rasakan buah beri hasil bumi

Please taste the berries that are produced by Earth

Nikmati kekayaan sekelilingmu

Do enjoy the riches around you

Kau kan tahu betapa berharga

You will know how valuable they are

Hujan badai dan sungai saudaraku

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers

Bangau dan berang-berang temanku

The herons and the otters are my friends

Dan kami semua saling berhubungan

And we all together are connected to each other

Dalam lingkaran yang tiada akhir

In an endless cycle

Setinggi apa pohon tumbuh

The tree grows as high as it can be

Jika ditebang, kau tak kan tahu

If it is cut down, you will never know

Dan kau tak kan mendengar tangis serigala

And you will never hear the cries of the wolves

Atau tahu warna kulit kita

Or know the colour of our skin

Bernyanyi bersama suara pergunungan

Do sing together with the voice of the mountain ranges

Dan melukis semua warna angin

And draw with all the colours of the wind

Hanyalah bumi yang bisa kau miliki sampai kau dapat

Only Earth that you are able to own until you are capable enough

Melukis semua warna angin

To draw with all the colours of the wind

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