Translation of the song الوحوش ٢ [Savages (Part 2)] artist Pocahontas (OST)

Arabic (other varieties)

الوحوش ٢ [Savages (Part 2)]

English translation

The Monsters [Part 2]

انت عارفة طريقك دلوقتى

You now know your path,

كمليه يا بنتى

Go through it, my daughter

حان الوقت حان

The time is now

!يلا يا رجالة

Let's go men!

نور الفجر بان

The light of dawn has loomed

!هاتوا المسجون

Bring the prisoner!

!لازم نحرق الزبالة

We must burn the trash!

أنا مش عارفة أعمل ايه

I don't know what to do

يا قلبى دليلى احتار

Oh my heart, I am thoroughly confused

!نهجم ع الاشرار

[Let's attack the evil ones!]

طير يا نسر و خدنى ليه

Fly, oh eagle, and take me to him

نبدأ منغير انذار

[We start without warning!]

يا قوى انت يا جبار

Oh you are powerful and titanic

!ندفنهم الحثالة دول

[We will bury them, those dregs!]

أنا زاد خوفى عليه

My fear for him has grown





تلعب بيا الأقدار

Fate is playing with me



!اهجم! اقتل! احرق

Attack! Kill! Burn!

!الوحوش الوحوش

The monsters, the monsters!

!أشرار أندال

They are evil scoundrels!


Kill them!

!الوحوش الوحوش

The monsters, the monsters!

جنس مالوش أمان

A race that is not to be trusted,

مايعرفوش الحب

They do not know how to love

معندهمش قلب

They are heartless

(صوتها عالى طبول الحرب)

(Oh how loud are the drums of war)

يلا ندق طبول الحرب

Let us sound the drums of war

يلا ندق طبول الحرب

Let us sound the drums of war

بيعملوا ايه؟

What are they doing?

!دول مش بنى أدمين

They are not humans!

(!يلا دقوا طبول الحرب)

(Come on, sound the drums of war!)

أنا مش عارفة أعمل ايه

I don't know what to do

صوتها عالى طبول الحرب

the drums of war are loud



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