Translation of the song Apa? [What's This?] artist The Nightmare Before Christmas (OST)


Apa? [What's This?]

English translation


Apa? Apa?

What? What?

Semuanya berwarna

Everything is colourful



Putih di udara

It is white in the air



Ku tidak percaya ini cuma mimpi

I cannot believe as this is just a dream

Bangun, Jack, ini tidak adil

Wake up Jack, it is not fair



Apa? Apa?

What? What?

Ada yang tak kena

There is something off



Ada yang menyanyi

Someone is singing



Oh, garisan dan suara keriangan

Oh, a line and a voice of happiness

Kelihatan gembiranya

It seems happy here

Atau aku yang dah gila?

Or have I turned crazy?

Ini apa? Apa?

What is this? What?

Bola salji dilempar bukannya kepala

Snowballs are thrown instead of heads

Sibuk dengan mainan

They are busy with toys

Tiada kematian

There is no death here

Salji di tiap tingkap

The snow is on every window

Oh, mataku tak silap

Oh, my eyes do not look at them wrongly

Kehangatan kurasakan dari dari dalam tulang

I can feel the warmth from deep inside my bones

Tengok, apa?

Look, what?

Mistletoe digantung

Mistletoe is hung

Cium? Itu sangat unik

Kiss? That is unique

Terharu semuanya berkumpul

I feel touched when everyone is gathering

Mendengar cerita, memanggang kacang di bara

While listening to stories and roasting beans on the fire





Ada pula pokok kerdil?

There is a small tree?

Pelik, tidak pun terfikir

That's weird, it never comes across my mind

Bukan? Untuk gantungkan hiasan kecil diselang lampu berkelip

It is not? It is for hanging small ornaments which are put next to twinkling lights

Senyuman banyak terukir

Many smiles are carved

Jadi tak mungkin ku silap

So it is impossible that I make a mistake

Meriahnya! Meriahnya!

How joyful it is! How joyful it is!

Oh, kabulkanlah impianku!

Oh, please make my dreams come true!

Apa ini?

What is this?

Ada lagi?

There is more?

Dah terbuai mimpi tapi oh tenang sekali

He has slept, oh how calm he is

Tanpa wujud mambang di bawah katil menakuti tidur nyenyak

Without the existence of demons under the bed that frightens a good sleep

Si Comel diulit indah mimpi

This Cute One is having a nice dream

Apa ini?

What is this?

Jembalang dah pun hilang

The demons have disappeared

Mimpi ngeri melayang

All the nightmares have flown away

Yang wujud hanya di sini cuma rasa tenang

Only the feeling of peace that exists here

Ketakutan tiada

There is no more fear

Hanya lagu yang bergema

Only reverberating songs

Aroma kek dan pai semerbaknya di udara

The nice scent of cakes and pies is in the air

Kecoh, riuh bunyinya serentak

The noise and loud sound is happening at the same time

Semua dan jujur kusuka semua

Everything and honestly, I like everything

Kekosongan dalam hati penuh kembali

The emptiness in my heart has been refilled

Ku ingin lagi dan lagi

I want more and more

Ku mahu, oh, ku mahu

I want, oh, I want

Oh, ianya untukku

Oh, it is for me

Ku perlukan, ku perlukan nama bandar menakjubkan

I need, I need the name of this magnificent city

Apa ini?

What is this?

Bandar Krismas? Hmm

Christmas Town? Hmm

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