Translation of the song Recebi um Convite artist Portuguese Folk
Recebi um Convite
I Received an Invitation
Pra passar uma noitada
To spend the whole night
Eu recebi um convite
I received an invitation,
Pra passar uma noitada
To spend the whole night
À casa de uma viúva
In a widow's house,
Que já estava reformada
Who was already retired,
Mas tinha uma filha boa
But had a nice daughter
Que era dessa que eu gostava
Who was of the type that I liked.
À casa da viuvinha
To the little widow's house
Preparei-me e então fui
I got ready to go and then, there I went
À casa da viuvinha
To the little widow's house...
Bati à porta da sala
I knocked on the living room's door
Ai falaram-me da cozinha
And they answered from the kitchen:
Ninguém pode imaginar
No one can even imagine
A alegria que eu tinha
How happy I felt!
Estavam ambas à fogueira
The both of them were by the stove;
Mandaram-me entrar pra dentro
They asked me to come inside.
Estavam ambas à fogueira
The both of them were by the stove
E eu como sempre gostei
And, since I've always enjoyed
E gosto da brincadeira
And I still enjoy to joke around,
Preguei três beijos na velha
I gave three kisses to the old woman
Porque essa era a primeira
Because she was closest to me.
Quero-lhe o merecimento
I want your good opinion:
Como se chama a sua filha?
What is your daughter's name?
Quero-lhe o merecimento
I want her good opinion;
Não quero que ela aqui diga
I don't want her to say now
Que eu venho com descaramento
That I come here to behave indecently.
Olhe, chama-se Joaquina
«Look, her name is Joachima;
É única e é morgada
She is an only child and she's an heiress...
Você não lhe deia beijos
Don't you give her any kisses,
Que ela é muito envergonhada
For she is very shy!»
Você vai cear conosco
«You must have dinner with us,
Mas eu quero um favorzinho
But I want you to do me a little favour:
Vai com a Joaquina à adega
Go with my Joachima to the cellar
Tirar uma pichorra de vinho
To get a wine pitcher.
Como sabe, não é longe
As you know, it isn't far
E é perto e bom o caminho
And it's close by and the path is clear.»
E havia lá na aldeia
And it was there in the village...
Era um costume antigo
It was an ancient custom
Que havia lá na aldeia
That there was there, in the village:
Ela à frente com a caneca
She walked before me with the mug,
E eu atrás com a candeia
And I waslked behind with the candle.
Era aquilo que ela queria
That was what she wanted...
Quando chegámos à adega
When we reached the cellar,
Era aquilo que ela queria
That was what she wanted
E eu apaguei a candeia
And I put out the candle,
Que às escuras também via
For I could see just as well in the dark.
Que era de aproveitar
Is was meant to be embraced...
Começamos o trabalho
We began the task
Que era de aproveitar
That was meant to be embraced
Porque era um pipo novo
Because it was a new wine barrel
Que estava por encetar
That hadn't been opened yet.
Até as pedras se riram
Even the stones laughed
Quando eu trabalhava
While I was working.
Até as pedras se riram
Even the stones laughed
E eu tanto que apertava
And I was adding so much pressure
Que até as borras saíram
That even the lees were coming out.
A trabalhar com canseira
Working with much tiredness...
A Joaquina começou
Joachima started
A trabalhar com canseira
Working with much tiredness
Porque ela, coitadinha
For she, poor little thing
Ai, era muito trabalhadeira
Ah, she was very hard-working:
Quando ela abria o pipo
As soon as she opened the hole
Eu metia-lhe a torneira
I pushed my pipe in.
Ela não era zarolha
She wasn't cross-eyed at all...
Começamos a apalpar
We started to feel things up,
Ela não era zarolha
As she wasn't cross-eyed at all:
Quando eu apalpei o pipo
When I touched the opening
Ai, já ela tinha a mão na rolha
Oh, she already had my big plug in her hand!
Dizendo coisas sem jeito
As we were saying things without meaning,
Nisto chegou a velhota
The old hag arrived...
Dizendo coisas sem jeito
As we were saying things without meaning,
Mas eu não era aldrabão
But I wasn't a slacker:
Queria o trabalho bem feito
I wanted to get the job well done!
Desculpe, minha senhora
I'm sorry, my good lady
Mas ainda não estamos fartos
But we're not tired yet:
Já lhe tombei a vasilha
I've already knocked down her jar
E agora tombo-lhe o papo
And now, I'm knocking her up!
Pois não houve malvadez
As I didn't behave with malice,
Pra velhota ficar contente
So the old hag would be happy.
Pois não houve malvadez
As I didn't behave with malice,
Eu peguei na minha gaita
I picket up my bagpipe:
Ficamos dançando os três
The three of us ended up dancing!
Eu peguei na minha gaita
I picket up my bagpipe:
Ficámos dançando os três
The three of us ended up dancing!
Eu peguei na minha gaita
I picket up my bagpipe:
Ficámos dançando os três
The three of us ended up dancing!