Translation of the song Ángeles del ghetto artist Nek (Italy)


Ángeles del ghetto

English translation

Angels of the Ghetto

Cambiará... ella al final comprenderá.

It'll change... she'll understand in the end.

Cederá... tu madre me conocerá.

She'll give in... your mother will meet me.

Al instante acudiré si me llamas.

I'll be there in an instant if you call me.

Y mi corazón verás cómo estalla.

And you'll see how my heart explodes.

Se hundirá... el Himalaya mas yo no.

They'll sink... the Himalayas but not me.

Encontraré casa... los dieciocho cumplirás, amor.

I'll find a house... you'll be eighteen, love.

Con mi mano en tu cintura

With my hand on your waist,

te divierten mis tonterías.

my nonsense entertains you.

Los amigos nos dirán que hoy

Friends will say that today

se cambian dosis de energía.

doses of energy are being exchanged.

Ahí nadie nos critica

No one criticises us there,

ni se fija en cómo voy.

nor they notice how I go.

Ángeles del ghetto con alma de gatos.

Angels of the ghetto with cat souls.

Tenemos derecho a nuestro amor.

We have the right to our love.

Yo te quiero en medio de este mar inmenso.

I love you in the middle of this enormous sea.

Como un barco a la deriva voy

Like a drifting boat I go,

en un tiempo que no pasa estoy, libre soy.

I'm in a time that doesn't go by, I'm free.

Libre soy, yeah.

I'm free, yeah.

Cambiará... porque al final trabajaré.

It'll change... because I'll work in the end.

Cambiará, oh sí... y algún dinero correrá.

It'll change, oh yes... and some money will flow.

Es un reto contra el mundo que me adores.

Your devotion to me is a challenge against the world.

Contigo estaré... corrigiendo errores.

I'll be there with you... fixing mistakes.

Yo te abrazaré, contigo dormiré, lo sé.

I'll hug you, I'll sleep with you, I know.

Ángeles del ghetto con alma de gatos.

Angels of the ghetto with cat souls.

La vida es esto, el cielo sobre mí.

Life is this, the sky above me.

Vamos como locos, los dos en una moto

We're going like two loonies on a motorcycle

con tu pelo al viento que me da

with your hair to the wind hitting me

en la cara cuando voy detrás.

on the face when I'm behind you.

Ángeles del ghetto con alma de gatos

Angels of the ghetto with cat souls,

y nadie nos puede aquí robar la mejor edad.

and nobody can steal the best age from us.

Te compro una estrella, pide la más bella.

I buy you a star, ask for the most beautiful one.

Piel a piel inventaremos hoy

Skin to skin we'll come up

mil caricias mientras te las doy.

with a thousand caresses while I give them to you.

¡Ángeles del ghetto!

Angels of the ghetto!

Ángeles del ghetto, yo te siento al lado.

Angels of the ghetto - I feel you next to me.

Y un banco escribirás que hoy

And on a stool, you'll write that today

tú conmigo estás, contigo estoy.

you're with me, I'm with you.

Ángeles del ghetto y al volver a casa

Angels of the ghetto - and when you return home,

sola en tu silencio me sentirás.

alone in your silence, you'll feel me.

Apagarás las luces y sueños felices.

You'll turn the lights off, and sweet dreams.

Con la sábana te cubrirás.

You'll cover yourself with the sheet.

Suspirando te acariciarás.

Sighing, you'll caress yourself.

Sonriendo tú te dormirás

Smiling, you'll fall asleep

soñando en mí.

dreaming of me.

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