Translation of the song Quando era ora artist Nek (Italy)
Quando era ora
When it was time
Oggi ti ritrovi qui da capo
Today you wind up back here from where you started
Per ogni passo avanti ne fai due indietro
For each step forward you took two back
Magari lui sarebbe andato via lo stesso
He might be gone anyway
Ma dire scusa non è cosa tua del resto
But it's not like you to say sorry
Ha meno forza chi condanna e poi si volta
Who blames you but then retraces their steps is weaker
Di chi rimane sotto tiro ma ti ascolta
Than who stays at gunpoint but keeps listening to you
E adesso, amica mia, da cosa ti difendi?
And now, my girlfriend, what are you defending yourself from?
Dal cuore o da quel pianto che sta lì tra i denti?
From your heart or from that crying feeling in your mouth?
Ci sono storie che non finiscono mai
Some stories are never really over
E poi macerie che sono quello che vuoi
And you can call the remaining ruins whatever you prefer
E adesso in quella stanza fai la guerra con te
And now in that room you're waging war with yourself
Ce l'hai col cielo mentre ti accorgi che...
You blame your luck and don't realize that...
Quando era ora di una parola in più
When it was time for you to say a word more
Quando era ora, ora sei solo tu
When it was time, now you're alone
E vuoi gridare ma non sai contro chi
And you'd want to hurl abuse but you don't know at whom
E puoi dire e ridire che, che non doveva andare così
And you can keep saying again and again that things shouldn't have gone like this
Credimi, la verità divide
Take it from me, truth tears people apart
Amarsi può salvarti come poi ti uccide
To love someone can save you as well as kill you later
E tu sei in bilico che guardi la tempesta
You're hanging in the balance, watching the storm
Così hai capito che non tornerai la stessa
So you got to realize that you never gonna get back the same person
Ci sono segni che non si tolgono mai
There are signs you'll never be able to get rid of
E un sasso nella gola prova a dirti chi sei
And a stone stuck up your throat is trying to tell you who you really are
L'orgoglio è un vecchio avaro che fa i conti per sé
Pride is like a stingy old man who is just for himself
Gli hai dato retta ma riconosci che...
You gave heed to him but now you have to admit that...
Quando era ora di una parola in più
When it was time for you to say a word more
Quando era ora, ora sei solo tu
When it was time, now you're alone
E vuoi gridare ma non sai contro chi
And you'd want to hurl abuse but you don't know at whom
Ti trovi a dire e ridire non c'è niente da fare
And you wind up saying there's nothing to be done
Quando era ora e adesso non è più
When it was time and now it no longer is
Quando bastava non ci credevi tu
When it was enough you didn't believe it was
Vuoi riportare il tempo fino a qui
You want to bring the time back to now
Potergli dire e ridire per oggi non finisce così
To be able to tell him again and again today can't end like this
Non finisce così
It can't end like this
Quando era ora
When it was time
Ci sono porte che non si chiudono mai
There are doors that never close
E sentieri che solo in due prenderai
And paths meant to be taken only by two people together
Dalla rabbia al perdono, la distanza qual è?
What distance lies between rage and forgiveness?
Quella che non vedi tra lui e te
It's the distance, that you can't see, between you and him
Quando era ora di una parola in più
When it was time for you to say a word more
Quando era ora, ora sei solo tu
When it was time, now you're alone
E vuoi gridare ma non sai contro chi
And you'd want to hurl abuse but you don't know at whom
E puoi dire e ridire che, che non doveva andare così
And you can keep saying again and again that things shouldn't have gone like this
Non finisce così
It can't end like this
Quando era ora
When it was time
Non doveva andare così
Things shouldn't have gone like this