Translation of the song Dia pahlawan [Zero to Hero] artist Hercules (OST)


Dia pahlawan [Zero to Hero]

English translation

He's a Hero

Berkati pria Herkules

Bless the guy Hercules

Pria yang di gemari di seluruh yunani

The guy who was loved in all of Greece

Dia punya perhatian

He has all the attention

Monster apa saja pasti dia kalahkan

He could defeat any monster at all

Dia biasa saja (biasa saja)

He was just normal (just normal)

Sekarang dia hebat (Dia pahlawan!)

Now he's great (He's a hero!)

Anak kecil tenaga besar

A little kid with great energy

Dulunya biasa sekarang pahlawan

Used to be normal, now a hero

Dulu biasa sekarang hebat!

Was normal, now he's great!

Senyumnya membuat gadis (tergila-gila!)

His smile makes girls (go crazy!)

Mereka melukis gambar muka- Di vas bunga!*

They paint him portraits - On flower vases!

Dia banyak harta kaya raya

He had great sums of money

Dia banyak uang!

He had so much cash!

Sekarang dia terkenal

Now he's famous

Dia bisa lakukan semua!

He can do anything!

Dia hebat,

He's great,

Dia beraksi

He's in action

Dia tentu tak menyangka!

He couldn't have suspected!*

Dia sangat sempurna

He's so perfect

Berkumpul tuk melihatanya

People gathered to see him

Badannya sempurna dan sangat bagus

His body is perfect and so handsome

Herkules datang menundukan

Hercules came down

Semua orang sangat terpana

Everyone was so stunned

Dia tunjukan kekuatan

He showed strength

Dulunya biasa sekarang hebat

He used to be normal, now he's great

Dulu biasa... dan siapakah?

Was normal... and who is he?

Siapakah sang Gladiator? Herkules!

Who is the gladiator? Hercules!

Siapa berani bak teater? Herkules!

Who's as brave as theater? Hercules!

Dia keren (dia berani),

He's cool (he's brave)

Dia manis (semua pujaan!)

He's sweet (everyone's idol!)

Herkules! Herkules!

Hercules! Hercules!

Herkules! Herkules!

Hercules! Hercules!

Herkules! Herkules!

Hercules! Hercule!

Berkati dia pahlawan

Bless him, the hero

Selalu menang!

Always wins!

Dia terbang,

He's flying

Pria paling hebat,

The best guy

Tiada banding!


Dulu biasa (biasa, biasa)

Was normal (normal, normal)

Sekarang pahlawan (dia pahlawan)

Now a hero (he's a hero!)

Dia mencapai angkasa

He reaches the sky

Dia dulunya biasa

He used to be normal

Dia pahlawan

He's a hero

Dia pahlawan-

He's a herooooooooo-

Dia benar!

He is indeed!

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