Translation of the song Gospelsang I [The Gospel Truth I] artist Hercules (OST)
Gospelsang I [The Gospel Truth I]
Gospel Song I
-Værsgo', piger.
-Take it, girls.
-Vi er Muserne, kunstens gudinder og forkønnere af helte.
-We're the Muses, the goddesses of art and proclaimers of heroes.
-Helte som Herkules!
-Heroes like Hercules
-Skat, du mener Herkulækkerbisken. Uh, han sku' ikk' løbe mange gange rundt om min søjle.
-Darling, you mean Hunkules. Uh, he wouldn't have to run around my pillar that many times.
-Vores historie begynder faktisk længe før Herkules... for mange evigheder siden...
-Our story actually begins long before Hercules... many eternities ago...
Da moderjord var ung
When mother Earth was young
Var hele kloden gået i chok
The entire world was in shock
For nådesløse, grufulde
'Cause merciless, terrifying
Titaner gik amok!
Titans went amok!
Det var et rædsomt sted!
It was a horrific place!
Med et forfærdeligt rod overalt
With a terrible mess everywhere
Ja, alt var kaos, jordskælv
Yes, everything was chaos, earthquakes
Og vulkaner kort fortalt!
And volcanoes to make a long story short!
På banen kom så Zeus
Then Zues made his entrance
Den største græske gud
The greatest Greek god
Et lyn!
A lighting!
Tordnede ind og smed dem ud
Thundered in and threw them out
Et syn!
A sight!
Han standsede rod og kaos ganske let
He stopped messes and chaos quite easily
Så hør vor gospel sang!
So listen to our gospel song!
En hyperaktiv fyr fra A til Z
An hyperactive guy from A to Z
Og det er klart som blæk
And it's as clear as ink
Zeus ændrede helt historiens gang
Zues entirely changed the direction of history
Det lig' så sandt, som det bli'r sunget i vor gospel sang
It's just as true as it's being sung in our gospel song
Og livet på Olympen blev så sød, som dagen er lang
And life in Olympus became just as sweet as the day is long
Det lig' så sandt, som det bli'r sunget i vor gospel sang
It's just as true as it's being sung in our gospel song