Translation of the song Gospelsang III [The Gospel Truth III] artist Hercules (OST)
Gospelsang III [The Gospel Truth III]
Gospel Song III
Den unge Herkules
The young Hercules
Drak ikke ud, og det var hans held
Didn't drink up, and that was his luck
Skønt hans udødelighed var væk
Even though his immortality was gone
Så var han stærk som før
He was just as strong as before
Men Zeus og Hera græd
But Zeus and Hera cried
For deres søn ku' ikke komme hjem
'Cause their son couldn't return home
De måtte se ham vokse op
They had to see him grow up
Som mennesker nu gør
As the humans do
Skønt Hades' hæslige plan
In spite of Hades' horrid plan
Forandrede barnets liv med et slag
Changed the boy's life in a moment
Så blev han stærkere dag for dag
He grew stronger day by day
Ja, tro på vor gospel sang
Yes, believe our gospel song