Translation of the song I دي الحقيقه يا ناس [The Gospel Truth I] artist Hercules (OST)
I دي الحقيقه يا ناس [The Gospel Truth I]
This is the Truth, Oh People
بس كده اتفضلوا
That's all, go ahead
احنا العرايس
We are the muses
ملهمات الفنون
The ones who inspire art
و مداحات الأبطال
and praise heroes
أبطال زى هرقل
Heroes like Hercules,
تقصدى قمر 14
You mean the full moon!1
اه يا قلبى
Oh, my heart
ياما كان نفسى بس فى نظرة
I wish I could just have him look my way
حكايتنا بتبتدى قبل هرقل بكتير
Our story begins before Hercules by a long time
من أزمان بعيدة
Since far ages
لما الوجود كان طفل
When existence was a child
و الأرض كانت بختها مال
And the land was out of fortune
و فى كل مكان فى وحوش عملاقة مردة و فى أهوال
And there were giant monsters walking around and there were horrors
كان المكان لا يطاق
The place was unbearable
تمشى تتشنكل فى الزبالات
You would walk and trip on the rubbish
و الدنيا فوضى زلازل, براكين طول الوقت
And the world was [full of] chaos, earthquakes and volcanoes all the time
و كمان يا روحى
And even more, darling
و فجأة هل زوس
And suddenly Zeus came by
رمى لسان البرق بجلال
He threw his thunderbolt graciously
حبس اللى يستاهلوا الحرق, أندال
He locked up the ones who deserve to be burned, scoundrels..
و خلى الفوضى احلى و أعلى نظام
And turned the chaos to the best and highest order
و دى الحقيقة يا ناس
And this is the truth, oh people
A1 و خلى كله
And he made everything perfect
كله تمام
All is in order
زى طبق اناناس
Like a plate of pineapple
يا عينى
Oh my,
روض العالم زى الأفراس
He tamed the world like steeds
و ان كان كلامنا مايتصدق
And [even] if our words are not believable [for you]
دى الحقيقة يا ناس
This is the truth, oh people
حياة الأوليمب بقت زى شراب الورد فى كاس
The Olympus life became like rose syrup in a chalice
و لو كلامنا محال يتصدق
And [even] if our words are impossible to believe2
دى الحقيقة يا ناس
This is the truth, oh people