ara es hora de cridar ben fort: l'heroi es nat!
Now it is time to shout very hard: the hero is born!
es un clam i surt pel nostre cor: l'heroi es nat!
It's a clamor and it emerges from our heart: the hero is born!
vinga nenes fem un aleluya, cantem en tó segur!
Come on babies let's make an hallelujah: let's sing in a certain tone!
que ja ha arribat el gran esclat: l'heroi es nat!
That the big crash has already arrived
es un astre que trindrà molts fans: l'heroi es nat!
It's a star that will have a lot of followers: the hero is born!
feu sonar vinga piqueu de mans: l'heroi es nat!
Let's play, come on, let's clap: the hero is born!
mai oblidis el poder que tens quan vinguin els mals moments!
Never forget the power you have when the bad times come!
que tu ho pots ser, heroi també!
That you can be also a hero!
si et sents vençut pel món ingrat
If you feel overcome by the thankless world
son dins del cel si els esperes,
They are inside the sky if you wait for them,
cada nit t'esperes, brillen les estrelles
You wait every night, the stars sparkle
cada nit l'heroi es nat!
The hero is born every night!