Translation of the song L'home de ferro [Zero to Hero] artist Hercules (OST)


L'home de ferro [Zero to Hero]

English translation

The Iron Man

Zeus ni dó

Oh, my Zeus!1

L'Herc és el millor

Herc is the best

És l'heroi del mes en les enquestes d'opinió

He’s the hero of the month in the opinion polls

No en té prou, sent el rei del show

He can’t get enough of being the king of the show

Posa'l contra un monstre i ja veuràs quin enrenou!

Put him against a monster and you’ll see what a commotion!

Ha fet fortuna, partint de zero

He made a fortune starting from scratch

I ara és el nostre braç de ferro!

And now, he’s our iron arm!

Era un marrec amb el cap pelat

He was a kid with a bald head

Però avui és un ídol, un líder nat

But today, he’s a star, a born leader

Quina sorpresa! Quin esclat!

What a surprise! He’s shining bright!

Quan somriu les noies criden :

When he smiles, the girls scream:



hi ha la seva vigia a cada got

He’s on the lookout on every glass

A cada vas!

On every vase!

Fa actuacions en circs, moderns i antics,

He makes circus performances, modern and ancient

On guanya molts diners

Where he wins a lot of money

S'ha fet el ric de Grècia

He became the rich one from Greece

No hi ha cap heroi que cobri més.

There’s no hero who can pocket more

Feu Amen, Zeus és tant valent

Say Amen, Zeus is so brave

i encara invicte, treure deus el fa content

And still undefeated, bring out God is what makes him happy

És genial, fent abdominals

He’s awesome while working his abs

Quin grapat de músculs,

What a bunch of muscles!

quin parell de pectorals.

What a pair of pecs!

No necessita cap millora.

He doesn’t need improvement

Joves i grans, tothom l'adora.

Children and adults, everybody loves him

Força, idees, té el que cal.

Strength, ideas, he has it all

Partint des de zero, l'heroi total,

Starting from scratch, a complete hero

l'home de ferro, hi ha res igual?

The iron man, is there anything like it?

Qui converteix combat en festa!

Who turns a fight into a party?

Hèrcules !


Qui es fa més fort amb cada gesta?

Who becomes stronger with each exploit?

Hèrcules !


És audaç, poca broma

He’s audacious, joking aside

Però quin nas

But what a nose!

la seva aroma

His own flavor











Zeus ni dó, l'Herc és el millor, invencible,

Oh, my Zeus, Herc is the best, invincible

De debò,és un noi tan bo, tan sensible,

For real, he’s such a good boy, so sensitive

Ha fet fortuna, partint de zero,

He made a fortune starting from scratch

I ara és el nostre, braç de ferro.

And now, he’s our iron arm

Ha aconseguit ha fet el cim!

He got to the top!

Partint des de zero, ara es de ferro

Starting from scratch, now he’s made of iron

L'home de ferro

The iron man



I tant que sí.

Yes, indeed!

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