Translation of the song Les raisons du cœur [I Won't Say (I'm In Love)] (Canadian French) artist Hercules (OST)
Les raisons du cœur [I Won't Say (I'm In Love)] (Canadian French)
The Heart's Reasons (Quebec version) [I Won't Say (I'm In Love)]
S'il y a un prix pour faute de jugement
If there's a prize for lack of judgement,
Je crois l'avoir gagné souvent
I think I may have won it often
L'amour vaut-il donc tous ces soucis ?
Is love really worth all those troubles?
C'est de l'histoire ancienne, maintenant fini
It's ancient history now, it's over
Tu te fais croire des histoires
You make yourself believe those stories,
Chasse de ta tête ces idées noires
Chase those dark thoughts away from your mind
Laisse ton cœur parler fort
Let your heart speak out loud,
Tu auras tort si tu l'ignores
You would be wrong to ignore it
Oublie ta résistance
Forget all about your resistance,
Oui chérie, tu dois te rendre à l'évidence
Yes darling, you must face the facts
Jamais jamais, je n'avouerai, non non
Never, never will I admit to it, no no
Désirs, délices en toi se glissent
Desires and delights slip into you
C'est trop cliché d'être ainsi amoureuse
It's too much of a cliché to be so deeply in love
Je croyais avoir appris ma leçon
I thought I had learned my lesson,
Je fuyais tant le grand frisson
I always ran away from that great thrill
Ma raison m'a fait fuir sa douceur
My reason made me run away from it's tenderness,
J'ai toujours ce cœur qui craint la douleur
I always have this heart that's afraid of pain
Tu joues pourtant les dures
And yet you play this tough girl's role,
Ecoute enfin ta vraie nature
Listen to your real nature for once
Meg, ma belle, remue-toi
Meg, my pretty one, move it
Si tu tiens tête à ton destin
If you stand up to your fate,
Tu le regretteras demain
You will regret it tomorrow
Quand tu te réveilleras
When you wake up,
Il sera trop tard, tu sais bien
It will be too late, you know it very well
Jamais jamais, je n'avouerai, non non
Never, never will I admit to it, no no
Avoue avoue, tu es bien amoureuse
Admit it, admit it, you are way too deeply in love
Je ne crois pas que je sois amoureuse
I don't think that I am in love
Tu te débats, ton cœur bat et très fort
You're fighting it, your heart is beating, and it's beating hard
Jamais jamais, je n'avouerai
Never, never will I admit to it
Avoue, avoue donc
Come on, admit it, admit it
Au grand jamais, je n'avouerai
Never ever will I admit to it
Comme tu voudras, on te sait amoureuse
As you wish, we know you are in love
Ce sera secret
It will be a secret
Quand je serai amoureuse
When I am in love