Translation of the song Zero To Hero (Czech) artist Hercules (OST)
Zero To Hero (Czech)
Zero To Hero (Czech)
Od toho dne se našemu Herkulovi dařilo úplně všechno na co sáhnul, byl prostě nej, s tím nehnu.
Since that day to our Hercules everything he touched went well, he was just the best, I can't oppose that.
Bůh to dal, Herk to rozehrál
The God set it, Herc started [the game].
Osobností týdne ve všech anketách se stal.
The person of the week in all surveys he became.
Šéf je to. Herk ví jak a co.
He is boss. Herc know what and how..
Prát se s ním chce netvor i ten předem je K.O.
To fight with him wants a monster, even he/it is K.O. in advance.
Byl nula pouhá. Jen šmíra, šmíra
He was a mere zero. Only a creep, a creep.
Hrdinou stal se svět jen zírá.
He became a hero, the world just stares.
Byl to jen kluk venku husy pás,
He was just a boy, he fed the geese outside
teď hrdinou stal se za krátký čas
now he became a hero in a short time.
Svět na něj zírá. Nemá kaz
The world stares at him, he has no taint.
Smích mámivý až holky šílí
Laugh [is] enchanting [so that] girls craze
On je na vázách až z něj jde strach
He is on vases [so that] he scares [the others]
Jsme z něj jak v snách
We are like in dreams from him.
Zisk má z prémii a z akcií
He has profit from bonuses and stocks.
On prachy může stát.
He can stand money
Ti zbohatlí a slavní za ním dolejzaj a chtěj ho znát.
The rich ones and the famous ones come [till annoyment; really no idea how to translate dolejzat :D] and what to know him.
Ámen on je jako sen
Amen, he is like a dream.
A vždycky první
And allways the first
Desítky sbírá jen
He collects only the tens.
Lidi jdou frontu na něj stát
People go to stand the queue on him
Jen ať chvíli vidí jeho slávu a ne pád
Just to see for a while his fame and not fall.
Herk přichází a tím je vítěz
Herc comes and he is the winner by that.
Přitom má tvář jak krásné dítě
(Even though) He has the face of a beautiful child. (durning that) [- only one of the brackets should be there, dunno which]
On je tak mužný chytrý však
He is so manly, clever though
On hrdinou stal se je to drak
He became a hero, he is a drake.
Svět na něj zírá
The world stares at him
A je to tak
And it's like so
Kdo sílu má jak gladiátor?
Who has the strength of a gladiator?
Je původní ne plagiátor
Is original, not a plagiarist?
Nemá strach
He has no fear.
Nezná žádný
He knows none.
Půvab má
He has charm
Je strašně mladý
He is so young
Bůh to dal, Herk to rozehrál
The God set it, Herc started [the game].
The strongest.
Stoupá dál
He rises on
A srdce nám vzal
And he took our hearts
The most modest
Byl nula pouhá. Šmíra, šmíra
He was a mere zero, a creep, a creep
Hrdinou stal se svět jen zírá.
He became a hero, the world just stares.
S rychlostí blesku stoupal blíž
With a speed of a lightning he was rising closer
On hrdinou stal se
He became a hero
Svět na něj zírá, Svět na něj zírá
The world stares at him, the world stares at him
To si piš
You bet!