Translation of the song Fatalna ljubav artist Ceca
Fatalna ljubav
Fatal Love
Ja te volim cak i kad si u Parizu
I love you even if you're in Paris
u Nju Jork da odes, bio bi mi blizu
If you'd go to New York, you'd be near me
ja te volim cak i kad si Londonu
I love you even if you're in London
jer i u Londonu u mom si fazonu
cause even in London you're in my ...?
To, to, to je ta ljubav fatalna
That that that's that fatal love
zbog nje vise nisam ni ja normalna
because of it i'm not normal anymore
to, to, to je ta kulminacija
that that that's that culmination (peak/top)
sve su druge njena imitacija
all others are its copy
Ja te volim cak i kada si u Kini
I love you even if you are in China
jer na moje srce bacio si cini
cause you have put a spell on my heart (just guessing with this sentence)
kada si na brodu, vozu, avionu
when you're in a boat, train, airplane
ja provodim dane te na telefonu
I spend those days hanging on the phone
Ja te volim cak i kada mi to skodi
I love you even if it damages me
jer to osecanje mome srcu godi
Cause those feelings suit my heart
cak i kad se s drugom provodis po svetu
Even if you spend your time on earth with another woman
ja te volim makar i na svoju stetu
I love you even if it's my loss