Translation of the song Igracka Samoce artist Ceca
Igracka Samoce
Solitude's Toy
Niko nije savršen
No one's perfect
svako ima koban tren
everyone has a fatal moment
razboli se od toga
they become ill from it
i da plačem svaki dan
and even if I would cry every day
imala bih zašto ja
I would have a reason why
imam i zbog koga
I also have someone to cry over
Pismo, glava, kako kome
Heads or tails, you're on your own
svako radi kako zna
everybody does it the best they know how
ovo sećanje na tebe
this memory of you
tvoja je osveta
is your revenge
A ja sam omiljena igračka samoće
I'm solitude's favourite toy
sa mnom svako od tad radi šta hoće
since then everyone does what they want with me
al' kad probaju iz srca da uzmu te
but when they try to remove you from my heart
moje telo, moj kavez je
my body becomes my cage
Nikad nisam bila tu
I was never there
kada ti je trebalo
when you needed me
kasne suze moje
my tears are shedding too late
a kad tebe setim se
but when I think of you
zamagli ogledalo
the mirror fogs
i mrzim lice svoje
and I hate my own face
Pismo, glava, kako kome
Heads or tails, you're on your own
svako radi kako zna
everybody does it the best they know how
ovo sećanje na tebe
this memory of you
tvoja je osveta
is your revenge
O, zašto nisam videla
Oh, why couldn't I see
da ti život tako lepo stoji
that life suited you so well
to je tebi bilo prirodno
it comes naturally to you
a mene strah cepa i kroji
but fear breaks and nurishes me