Nikada, nikada, nikada, nikada
never never never
sa tobom vise nikada
never again with you
Ni vazduha izmedju dlanova
there is no air between the palms
ni predaha izmedju uzdaha
there is no break between the sighs
u prolazu tela pripijena
our bodies have become one
bez imena, samo bez uspomena
without names, only with memories
Lepo naslepo, te tvoje usne stranca
its nice to be with a stranger,with the lips of another
ma, lepo do bola kad pokupis neznanca
its nice to be with a stranger cuz it hurts less afterwards
ljubi me ti, nikada te vise necu videti
kiss me, i'll never see you again
al' koza pamti
but the skin remembers
Lepo naslepo, ni kajanja, ni srama
the nice thing about being with a stranger is that there is no sorrow and no regret
ni juce, ni sutra, ni dzentlmen, ni dama
no yesterday, no tomorrow, no gentlemen, no ladies
ljubi me ti, nikada te vise necu videti
kiss me, ill never see you again
al' koza pamti
but the skin remembers
Ni razmaka izmedju redova
there is no space between the lines
bez pitanja, vidljivih tragova
there are no questions, no marks left behind
u prolazu tela pripijena
our bodies have become one
bezimena, samo bez uspomena
without names, only with memories