Translation of the song Ljubav Zivi artist Ceca
Ljubav Zivi
Love is living
Još uvek živim tu
I'm still living here
gde si čini bacio,
where you put the spells
ko da nije nestalo
like it didn't disappear,
kao dah.
like a breath
Mora biti toga još
It must be more of it
što si ti odbacio,
what you rejected,
i zato tražim dok sam živa
and that's why I'm searching while I am alive,
da ne pojede me mrak.
not to be eaten by dark...
Koliko ima ovakvih ko ja?!
How many people is there like me,
sagnuli smo glave u strahu
we bow our heads in fear,
da biće još gore,
it would be even worse
i biće! ...jer sagli smo glave,
and it would be, because we bow our heads
a ljubav živi, a ljubav živi.
but love is living, love is living
I kucnuće čas kad će doći po nas,
and it will come the day when it will come to take us.
i kad te pita ti reci,
And when it asks you, you say
i digni svoj glas
and raise your voice
da ljubav živi, da ljubav živi!
for love to live, love to live...
Još uvek živim tu
I'm still living here,
gde se rađam ponovo.
where I am born again,
Ko da nije ostao
like it's not only fear
samo strah.
that is left.
Mora biti toga još
It must be more of it
znam da nije gotovo,
I know it's not over,
i zato tražim dok sam živa
and that's why I'm searching while I am alive,
da ne pojede me mrak.
not to be eaten by dark...
Život ne pita
Life is not asking
nikad šta želis.
ever what you want,
Nekom sve uzme,
it takes everything from someone,
a nekom sve deli.
and to someone it gives everything...
Mi smo u pravu!
We are right,
Na našu stranu...
on our side
Vreme će stati,
time will be,
stati za nas.
will be for us..