Translation of the song Nevinost artist Ceca
Dobar ti bivša srećo dan,
Good day, my ex-darling,
dabogda bio ovako sam,
God-willing you will one day be alone like this,
Da ti duša za mnom krvari,
and your soul will bleed for me,
i buduća svaka te prevari
and every future lover will cheat on you...
Tamo gde spavaš toploje,
It is warm where you go to sleep now,
i toj koju ljubiš dobro je,
and life is good for the one that you are embracing.
O moj prozor vetar udara,
Whilst for me, the wind is hammering against my window,
o srce još jedna izdaja
And another betrayal is hammering against my heart.
Verovala sam ti sve što si obećao,
I believed in everything that you promised me,
Nadala ti se kad si me ostavljao,
I hoped that you would return to me every time that you left me.
Što mi lomiš srce kao kost,
Why are you breaking my heart as though it's a bone?
S tobom moja tuga gubi nevinost
My sorrow is losing her innocence with you.
Srećan ti bivša srećo let,
Have a good flight, my ex-happiness,
Pričaju ljudi pa saznam sve,
People talk and I have come to know everything,
Kad padnem, ja znam da ustanem,
When I fall, I know how to stand back up again,
Al ne znam bez tebe da opstanem.
But I don't know how to survive without you.