U ovom gradu ti si zver
In this city, you're the beast
I ne znam što se noći te
And I don't know why, that night
U srcu alarm nije oglasio
The alarm in the heart didn't go off
Da kaže Stani, ne idi
To say Stop, don't go
Tu gde si poveo me
There where you took me
I za mnom svetla odmah ugasio
And you turned the lights off right behind me
Te usne što pritisle su moje
Those lips that pressured mine
Bile su k'o dugme za samouništenje
Were like a button for self destruction
I ljubila sam ludo, k'o da mi je poslednje
And I was kissing like crazy, like it was the last time
Bio si poziv koji se ne odbija
You were a call that one couldn't ignore
Od nesreće je samo sreća lošija
Only happiness is worse than misery
Kad treba da vratiš je, a tek si se dočep'o nje
When you have it give it back, and you've just grabbed it
Taj mi se poziv sad o glavu obija
I'm paying now for that call
Ja samo luđa, luđa što sam starija
I'm only crazier, the older I am, the crazier I get
I posle tebe ni sa kim ja ne mogu da spavam
And after you, I can't sleep with anybody
Tu gde si druge vodio
There, where you took the others
Ti lepo si govorio
You were talking nice
Moja ljubav lako menjala te
My love was easily changing you
I već sam dečije glasove ja čula niotkuda
And I already heard children's voices out of nowhere
A tebe tako brzo prošlo je sve
And you got over everything so fast
Te usne što pritisle su moje
Those lips that pressured mine
Bile su k'o dugme za samouništenje
Were like a button for self destruction
I ljubila sam ludo, k'o da mi je poslednje
And I was kissing like crazy, like it was the last time
Bio si poziv koji se ne odbija
You were a call that one couldn't ignore
Od nesreće je samo sreća lošija
Only happiness is worse than misery
Kad treba da vratiš je, a tek si se dočep'o nje
When you have it give it back, and you've just grabbed it
Taj mi se poziv sad o glavu obija
I'm paying now for that call
Ja samo luđa, luđa što sam starija
I'm only crazier, the older I am, the crazier I get
I posle tebe ni sa kim ja ne mogu da spavam
And after you, I can't sleep with anybody